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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."

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What do you like doing in your spare time? mega jack slot game online Raffaella Del Sarto, who teaches at the European University Institute and SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, said Israel appeared to be caught off guard by the EU's tough stance. "The EU is generally pretty good at declaring and not acting, and here we have the opposite development," she said. "Some would say that Israel is finding itself in growing isolation."
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