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Nickname Aaron   Real name Aaron
User level user   Iscritto il 07/04/2015
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.

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Who would I report to? top rated acai berry products I do think regulation could help Airbnb as well. If someone lists an apartment at 4 Times Square you should be able to type in ‘4 Times Square’ and see all the people who are listing an apartment. If that was the law that would cause people who are hosting illegally to stop doing that. I think regulation can be good if it’s sensible regulation and I’m hoping whatever regulation we get in Bitcoin will be sensible regulation. It might not be a bad thing for people who are processing millions of dollars of Bitcoin to dollar transactions every day to have some capital requirements. If they have no capital requirements they could go out of business at a moment’s notice and your transaction might not clear and you might lose money so that’s not a good thing, I do think sensible regulation is a good thing. What’s not good is when people use regulation to keep competition out of the market. The hotels don’t want Airbnb to be made legal. They want Airbnb to be made illegal. Period. Full stop. They’re pushing for the kind of regulation which I think is bad which is incumbents using regulations to keep competitors out of the market.
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