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User level user   Iscritto il 01/03/2015
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.

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A pension scheme order endep online She smiled at that. Off the court, Bartoli is eloquent and quite charming, more complicated than Lisicki. Her relationship with her coach and father, Walter, has been a very public mess. She is here now without him, and with former champ Amelie Mauresmo as an advisor. Bartoli says those strange bunny hops behind the baseline, the shadow racket swings, will never go away.
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