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Band logs - Dark Tranquillity Night |
Il log della livechat con i Dark Tranquillity, tenutasi
nel marzo del 2002, quando eravamo ancora in collaborazione con metalitalia.com
(potete infatti leggere questo log anche sull'altro sito). warwick è Michael Nicklasson Goatgrinder è Niklas Sundin ZodiJackyl è Mikael Stanne Oav è Martin Henrikksson Raist & #Metalitalia staff ![]() |
*** Hamish changes topic to 'STASERA
I DARK TRANQUILLITY QUI IN CHAT. Il canale sara' moderato, per parlare dovete querare CATARTICA e chiedere il voice. ENGLISH ONLY! To speak query CATARTICA and ask for Voice. Per problemi con l'inglese query Angra. If you got question about RULES ask HAMISH' *** Hamish sets mode: +m catartica: ok let's start:) Hamish: Hello there Hamish: here some simple rules Hamish: first of all: ONLY ENGLISH Hamish: to make question to the band Hamish: ask catartica to be voiced Hamish: you have to query her Hamish: and write "Voice me" Hamish: then wait for your turn Hamish: do not query her Hamish: more than a time before you get voiced Hamish: or you will lost your turn *** Hamish sets mode: +o Goatgrinder *** Hamish sets mode: +o ZodiJackyl Hamish: hello there niklas Goatgrinder: hello world! *** warwick has joined #metalitalia *** Hamish sets mode: +o warwick *** Hamish sets mode: +v despair Hamish: despair you can talk now *** Hamish sets mode: +v Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel Hamish: Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel you too can talk despair: which type of metal will u 'use' in ur new album named damage done? warwick: yepp ZodiJackyl: Hello guys! *** Hamish sets mode: +v Opium Goatgrinder: despair: it'll be a combination of new and old elements. despair: sounds good man Goatgrinder: it's a bit hard to describe it so shortly after the recording, but i think that most of you will like it. warwick: yepp Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: Hi there! I'd like to know if you know for sure when the album will be released... and in case, could you tell us when? Goatgrinder: we don't know yet. Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: darn Goatgrinder: either before or after the summer; it's up to c.m. ZodiJackyl: It´s heavier than what weve done before and it has a lot of elements from our former albums as well as incorporating alot of new stuff ZodiJackyl: hopefully in mid july..that´s what they tell us anyway. Goatgrinder: yep, but it's still not 100% sure. despair: the cover is cool.. ZodiJackyl: nothing in this business ever is. Goatgrinder: thanks a lot :-) despair: :> warwick: neeee Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: alright... I guess one could survive 'till summer ZodiJackyl: you´re gonna have to :-) warwick: nop warwick: he he he *** Raist|in sets mode: -v despair Goatgrinder: there's no alternative ;-) Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: otherwise I won't hear it... *** Hamish sets mode: +v phyre phyre: alright Goatgrinder: shoot! phyre: will there be any clean vocals on the new one? ZodiJackyl: go go go! ZodiJackyl: No not a note! Goatgrinder: we're going with screams, gargles and grunts on this one! phyre: alright, thanks for clearing that up. :) are all lyrics written by stanne again? Goatgrinder: yeppers. ZodiJackyl: yes they are.. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel *** Hamish sets mode: +v EvilzzZz Goatgrinder: it's more authentic when a vocalist sings his own words, methinks. phyre: alrightie, and final question, any chance you will be playing wacken again? ZodiJackyl: Indeed. phyre: agreed, but still, your lyrics were great ;) phyre: great. * Goatgrinder is flattered phyre: that is all *** Raist|in sets mode: -v phyre ZodiJackyl: Hopefully but I don´t think they will let us play twice in two years..so maybe next year. *** Hamish sets mode: +v LivingFlame Goatgrinder: let's hope for that. it truly was a blast last time. ZodiJackyl: It sure was.. warwick: yepp Goatgrinder: apart from the videorecording that never was, of course. warwick: totally drunk warwick: he he he *** Hamish sets mode: +v exposure EvilVenom: Hello Goatgrinder: hello. ZodiJackyl: Hello ondskefullt gift! EvilVenom: You are great EvilVenom: ;) *** CentVrioN sets mode: -v Opium ZodiJackyl: thanks Goatgrinder: No...YOU are great! EvilVenom: I' dont want to ask anything ZodiJackyl: haha ok... *** Hamish sets mode: +v At_The_Gates At_The_Gates: Will the video for monochromatic stains be on the album? Make sure its not a low quality video in that case. Exactly what does experimental video mean in this case? LivingFlame: hey guys! warwick: hey Goatgrinder: hopefully it'll be on the CD - it's due to the timing. Goatgrinder: if it gets done in time, it'll definately be there. ZodiJackyl: We have no idea if that will happen...I would like that though. We have only seen some images from the video so far and it looks great..but there is lots more to do At_The_Gates: Alright, good luck with the new album you deserve stardom Goatgrinder: experimental = not as awfully bad as our old videos. At_The_Gates: haha, they are great warwick: thanx ZodiJackyl: Hejdå daniel! At_The_Gates: hejdå *** EgO-DrAMa has left #metalitalia LivingFlame: First of all, it´s great that you are taking time to meet the fans like this! (fight to play Wacken next year, it would be great to see you there again, and then you can record that DVD, utan missen på Zodijackyl hehe Niklas) What are your plans after the release? will it be an extended tour or so? (make som swedish dates) ;-) ZodiJackyl: you hit the spot there goat.. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v EvilVenom *** Hamish sets mode: +v Misanthrope Goatgrinder: miss på zodijackyl?!? banna den här mannen! ZodiJackyl: haha.. Angra: english please :P LivingFlame: heheheh Goatgrinder:)) At_The_Gates: lol Goatgrinder: sorry ;-) Misanthrope: Hehehe first of all Hi there swedish freaks =) Goatgrinder: we don't know any exact touring plans yet, but i guess there will be some activity as always. * LivingFlame hopes so At_The_Gates: One more question, when will you redo the website? exposure: you will come in Quebec ZodiJackyl: Our management are beginning to set up tours as we speak and the schedule looks packed but so far nothing is confirmed...And ofcours we will play sweden. LivingFlame: ZodiJackyl great! Misanthrope: Second, There have been some talks and some of us are wondering what is Century Media's position on letting you guys relase a sample or 2 from the new album Goatgrinder: the new website will be up "pretty soon", which i've kept saying for the last 2 years now. Hamish: remember to query catartica to talk here! Misanthrope: if at all posible will it happen within the next few months? Goatgrinder: misantrope: i don't know. obviously it's 110% up to the record company to decide if and to what extent previews will be available. ZodiJackyl: It will defenately happen...when though is another question..but expect it a few weeks before release. Misanthrope: cool =) Misanthrope: thats all ZodiJackyl: they are usually ok with it so i dont think it will be a problem.. Goatgrinder: they're usually positive towards putting samples up a bit in advance, so i'm sure it'll happen now as well. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LivingFlame *** Hamish sets mode: +v VultureC VultureC: Greetings. Did your label inform you of the new copy protection used on your re-released albums? What is your opinion regarding this topic? Goatgrinder: i think it'll be one full song, though - not a bunch of samples. At_The_Gates: Looking forward to a headlining tour, 80 minute set, what do you say guys? ZodiJackyl: WHat=?=?=?= I had no idea! Tell us more.. Goatgrinder: we haven't had any contact with osmose for 2-3 years, so we didn't know about it until people began mailing asking why they couldn't play their albums on computers. Misanthrope: @warwick: Are you expecting NWN, =) *** DarkTranquillityEqualShit has left #metalitalia ZodiJackyl: Yes we are! *** LadyCorvo has left #metalitalia VultureC: and what do you htink about this? Goatgrinder: they do have the full rights to the recordings, so we can't do much about it - but my personal view is that this isn't the right way of getting rid of bootlegging. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v exposure *** Hamish sets mode: +v Villain ZodiJackyl: I don´t know..I am very sceptical towards these so called copy protection things...They never work Villain: Regarding the new album, what kind of "new stuff" will there be? We can pretty well recognize the old stuff (acoustic guitars?), but what kind of new elements did you use? At_The_Gates: Can someone devoice me please? Goatgrinder: but of course it's in the best interests of the label to protect their releases against piracy. i fully understand that. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v At_The_Gates VultureC: another question: Are there going to be songs on the upcoming album in 'weird' times (meaning <> 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8) ? *** Hamish sets mode: +v LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON ZodiJackyl: just shut it atg! ;-) Misanthrope: Can someone devoice me please?<----Same Here lets let others ask questions Goatgrinder: villain: nah, that's not interesting...tell me about your tattoo instead. Goatgrinder: when can we expect a picture? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Misanthrope Villain: I'll post a picture of it "pretty soon" :p *** Hamish sets mode: +v Thanatos_mx Goatgrinder: i guess i should have saw that one coming ;-) Thanatos_mx: greetings:about the sound of thenew album, can it be compared to any past album of you guys or it's gonna be completely different, like Projector was? ZodiJackyl: haha... Villain: What's the full track-listing of Damage Done? Goatgrinder: it's a bit more varied than, for example, "haven". ZodiJackyl: If I had to do a comparison I would say that this is the bastard child of The Mind´s I and Haven...but that´s really saying nothing.. Thanatos_mx: and one last question: are you going to tour for the next album? if so, when will you know the tour dates and places? and do you get to choose where to play? (Mexico again please hehe, sorry about that) Goatgrinder: yes, it's really hard to give an accurate description in a few seconds of typing. Villain: @ZodiJackyl: It's fast and with short songs? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v VultureC *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir ormir: Hails, to you mad creative blokes: out of all the recordings you've made, which one are you most satisfied with? Goatgrinder: fast: yes, in places. ZodiJackyl: Yes pretty much *** Hamish sets mode: +o Oav ZodiJackyl: I would say htis one...this one really felt good...everything fell into place in the best of ways.. Thanatos_mx: thanks for taking time for your fans, you're great guys... Goatgrinder: i'm equally satisfied and dissatisfied with all the albums...tricky question. warwick: aMEXICO---offcourse. must have more tacos ZodiJackyl: As said before, we do not know about tours as of yet but we are working on it.. Villain: The tracklist..? Thanatos_mx: moderator: devoice me please Thanatos_mx: you gonna join inflames coming to mexico? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Thanatos_mx *** Hamish sets mode: +v rahvin rahvin: hi guys ZodiJackyl: No we go alone this year too.. ZodiJackyl: Hello Rahvin! Goatgrinder: hi rahvin! Goatgrinder: long time no see ;-) rahvin: i'd like to talk a bit about the lyrics if you don't mind :) ormir: if you had to stop your career right now, would Damage Done be a satisfying end? rahvin: hehe ;) Goatgrinder: ormir: yes, absolutely! Goatgrinder: good idea, btw. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Villain rahvin: how do you (mikael) feel about the new lyrics? are they in the same vein as haven's? *** Hamish sets mode: +v NecroPandaSick ZodiJackyl: Nothing is a good end.. ormir: i hope i'm not giving you any ideas! :) Goatgrinder: btw, say hello to Oav - Martin Henriksson. Oav: to Vulture... There's a lot of 5/8, 7/8 and 9/8 beats going on, but not throughout a whole song (of course) NecroPandaSick: hi rahvin: hello martin! Goatgrinder: Just arrived from Italy! ormir: hello martin! NecroPandaSick: i have 2 questions for you NecroPandaSick: why did you choose to change so drastically your sound by producing albums like projector and haven, which are so different from classic melodic death? why did you opt for a kind of music with more complicated sounds, that, in my opinion, are excellent? Oav: + Hi everybody! ZodiJackyl: No there is more anger this time,,,the music really got some other things out of me this time around. There is amore direct sense of danger in the music and that reflects in the lyrics. warwick: ditt lilla suuug Goatgrinder: NPS: i can't say much more than that we've always played what we feel for and always have strived for covering new ground. rahvin: are you saying they're more direct than your previous efforts? ormir: do you have any plans about finland and touring? like the tuska metal festival this year? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Ormir Goatgrinder: i don't mind people disliking our current style at all - it's just a matter of taste. warwick: hope so *** Hamish sets mode: +v LivingFlame Goatgrinder: we'd love to come to finland again. ZodiJackyl: I would like to get back to Tuska...its in our blood! LivingFlame: hi again, and hi Martin! :D LivingFlame: Will you ever record a duett again? warwick: must do some more BASTUUUU Hamish: remember to query catartica for talk here, and DON'T CHANGE THE NICK! Goatgrinder: that's right! behave, boys! NecroPandaSick: but i love the sound of projector i think that it's a very good work rahvin: i always wondered: is there something very personal about songs like 'emptire still' and 'auctioned', or are they just abstraction and not very much based on your personal experiences? Goatgrinder: and girls. ZodiJackyl: Necro: We have to evolve and we do whatever it takes to make the music interesting and to keep ourselves still satisfied with what we do. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v rahvin *** Hamish sets mode: +v shadow NecroPandaSick: i'm agree whit you Goatgrinder: NPS: i guess it's about keeping ourselves interested too. if we were to stay in one place for too long, we'd eventually lose the spark, so to day. ZodiJackyl: they are indeed very personal. shadow: hey !!! have a little question to the style of the music.. is there still a basement of keys ? shadow: like on haven ? LivingFlame: Martin Henriksson: Why did you move to the guitar spot? ZodiJackyl: haha...well that part hasn´t changed...but alot of other things has.. LivingFlame: was it natural step or how come? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON *** Hamish sets mode: +v haven shadow: lol.. heav whats going on with the band eventide ?? you know them ! when do the bring out another record ? *** Erzsebeth_Bathory_Witch has left #metalitalia Goatgrinder: yes, there still are very prominent keyboards on the new album, but their sound is a bit different. shadow: would be cool if you have some infos ;)) ZodiJackyl: I think they split up...havn´t heard from them in months.. haven: do you have in program a VHS or DVD with LIVE concert or something like this? Goatgrinder: eventide? haven't heard from doc jacoby in a while...they were good, though. shadow: oh no !! their demos rule !! haven: I need IT! haven: ;D Oav: Living...since I made much of the stuff on guitars anyway it seemed like the logic choice after Fredrik left. Goatgrinder: yes, it's pretty strange that they didn't get more interest from record labels... *** Raist|in sets mode: -v NecroPandaSick *** Hamish sets mode: +v italianguy Goatgrinder: some of their unreleased material is very good and way more original than their first mcd. ZodiJackyl: haven: we wish we could set something like up in the future, we need more filmed material is all.. shadow: last but not least ;) a big thank to you ! your music isgreat in every life-situation ! ZodiJackyl: Thank you shadow! italianguy: heyyyyyyyy all italianguy: i love u LivingFlame: Oav ok thx italianguy: guys italianguy: marry me italianguy: :) ZodiJackyl: We love you too! haven: a studio documentary haven: ? Goatgrinder: thanks! LivingFlame: Do you ever consider playing old stuff live? or do you just want to play fresh stuff ? haven: a VHS with live and studio doc...or life in general!!! ZodiJackyl: we have footage and it will be on the homepage eventually.. LivingFlame: hehe footage from Wacken? :-) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v italianguy warwick: as fast as we can! we will record a live cd-vcr- *** Hamish sets mode: +v Lord_oF_DeSpaiR haven: eheh ok haven: :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v shadow Oav: Living: we play almost everything except Skydancer stuff ZodiJackyl: livingflame: We try to play something from all periods of our career but given a strict playing time it´s hard to squeeze everything in. LivingFlame: warwick great! Goatgrinder: we have wacken footage, yes. *** Hamish sets mode: +v kaztal Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: well someone else asked my questions.. I'm looking forward for the next album.. Goatgrinder: we've only done support band tours the last 4 years, and then the playing time is very limited.. warwick: offcourse dude LivingFlame: Goatgrinder I know, since it´s me Falken :) Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: next time you'll come in greece we hope you'll be in a place a little bit bigger than the last time :p Goatgrinder: but you didn't know that I knew that it was you.... Goatgrinder: :-) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v haven * warwick slaps Lord_oF_DeSpaiR around a bit with a large trout LivingFlame: Oav and ZodiJackyl, yes and that´s good so that we can here stuff through your development so to speak *** Hamish sets mode: +v RealHarz LivingFlame: Goatgrinder hahahaha Goatgrinder: yes, but the gigs were really enjoyable. Goatgrinder: but the "woodstock" doesn't exactly live up to its name, size-wise. Goatgrinder: sug böckling, ditt beläte! ZodiJackyl: haha...indeed goat.. warwick: that`s fucking true man Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: will it be a new clip or single of the next album beofre its released? Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: try Rodon next time .. write it down.. :p Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: if not something bigger.. :) ZodiJackyl: a video is in the works but no single will be released that we know of.. LivingFlame: <--- devoice LivingFlame: hårdrock! :D Hamish: remember you can ask catartica to be voiced again, but don't aks her before you get your first voice, or you will lost your turn!!! Goatgrinder: LOD: Is that the place where Iced earth recorded their live album? Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: yes thats right.. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LivingFlame *** Hamish sets mode: +v VladDracul Goatgrinder: perhaps next time - but we don't mind playing small venues. ZodiJackyl: ok as long as there is walking distance to a tzatsiki fountain! Lord_oF_DeSpaiR: hehe Goatgrinder: and not THAT kind of fountain. warwick: tzatziki rules *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Lord_oF_DeSpaiR warwick: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrghhhhh *** Hamish sets mode: +v ShadowofDarkness ZodiJackyl: exactly :-) Goatgrinder: hail varathron! warwick: ??? warwick: köttis! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v kaztal *** Hamish sets mode: +v Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel Goatgrinder: kött och stolt. Hamish: wow.. now I can read here ahahah Hamish: I'm so busy with all this voice and devoice.. Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: Hi there again! You just made my day with the statement that the new album would (sort of) be a merging between Mind's I and Haven. Now over to my (suppostedly) last question for the evening: Have you guys ever considered comming to Västerås to play? There is a nice place called Club Rockers... the Haunted had a gig there, so we hope that more bands would find their way here :-) Anyway, get over here and play! That ShadowofDarkness: hi guys....remember me ? ShadowofDarkness: i m from turkey and u had signed my SKYDANCER t-shirt ShadowofDarkness: i keep waiting for the upcoming release Goatgrinder: We've been recommended that club, and will definately check it out. ShadowofDarkness: sure itwill kickass!!! Goatgrinder: Hi SoD! ShadowofDarkness: it was pretty kewl guys Goatgrinder: you were attending the signing session? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v RealHarz *** Hamish sets mode: +v ptredge Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: Hell yeah! We'll be there... that's fore sure! ZodiJackyl: dargor: That would be great...we have a guy here who is arranging gigs for us i sweden so that would not be impossible. ShadowofDarkness: i saw lots of bands but none of em were as kewl as u!!!! warwick: ljug inte nu HOMER warwick: !!!!!!! Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: hehe, I'll sneak out from "lumpen", should that be nessecary =) ShadowofDarkness: could u pls tell us about the lyrics ???? ShadowofDarkness: will be same as in haven and Pro. ??? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v VladDracul Goatgrinder: "lumpen" is not for metalheads ;-) *** Hamish sets mode: +v pHuNkY warwick: he he he ¨ warwick: right pHuNkY: heya :-) will there be any female vocals iin your new release? ptredge: hi, are you gonna play at 2000 decibel this year? warwick: nop ZodiJackyl: SOD No to me they are very different. You will know eventually. ShadowofDarkness: ??? Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: oh, yes it might be. The hair shalt remain on it's place! My squad will be the death-metal squad! ShadowofDarkness: hahah a clue ???? warwick: hhhmmmmmmm ShadowofDarkness: u were wonderful on the stage mikael!!! so ruling!!! warwick: thanXXXx pHuNkY: something irrelevant: what other bands are you listening to...? ;) ZodiJackyl: sod...thank you! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ShadowofDarkness Goatgrinder: phunky: just about everything, really...we all have pretty wide musical tastes. *** Hamish sets mode: +v Dark_Angel_Cena ZodiJackyl: Soilwork are in my stereo right now! warwick: i know u mean the other one (röd tott) Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel: I guess that was all. Keep up the wonderful work! warwick: thanx pHuNkY: ok..and the final question..do you intend making a clip for any songs of your new release? warwick: we will Goatgrinder: i can enjoy just about anything with quality and dedication. Dark_Angel_Cena: hi all warwick: BREDBAND Dark_Angel_Cena: excuse me warwick: he he he Dark_Angel_Cena: What are your all-time favourite bands and do you plan to play with one of these (if possible) ? ZodiJackyl: phunky...yes a video for Monochromatic Stains is in the works.. pHuNkY: thts great :) thnx stay cool ! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Dargor_the_Suicidal_Angel *** Hamish sets mode: +v Tonyevol ZodiJackyl: Yes I would like to play with Rush one day...(dream on) ptredge: is the song "format c: for cortex" stilled called that are was that just an early name Dark_Angel_Cena: yeah rush great! pHuNkY: devoice me plz *** Raist|in sets mode: -v pHuNkY Goatgrinder: it was very massive to share the stage with iron maiden at the gods of metal festival, but theyre' not really my favourite band. *** Hamish sets mode: +v LivingFlame ZodiJackyl: ptredge....indeed it is! Dark_Angel_Cena: What do you think about Italy and the places where you played ? Goatgrinder: i don't really have any particular faves that it'd like to play with...well, nick cave, but he's probably not interested. warwick: hmmmmzzz,,i think MORBID ANGEL or DREAM THEATER(gena) ptredge: cool, last question, how many songs are their on the new record? warwick: sorry (cena) Goatgrinder: 11. TonyEvol: hello guys, I've only a question for you Goatgrinder: one of them is our first instrumental song, btw. TonyEvol: could you play at April the 2 TonyEvol: 25 in Italy? ZodiJackyl: dark angel; we love italy and most other places we played too..as long as its away from home.. TonyEvol: I need a band as yours! Hamish: Tonyevol advertising? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ptredge *** Hamish sets mode: +v Dave74 Dave74: hi guys TonyEvol: Hamish: yes Dark_Angel_Cena: yeah Dave74: some question for Niklas Goatgrinder: tony: that's probably a bit too early for us. our keyboardist is on tour with tiamat right now. LivingFlame: an instrumental first, that sounds cool :) are you satisified with the recording of the new album? TonyEvol: I need a foreign band for the 25 April Dave74: did you take part to the songwriting of the new album? Dark_Angel_Cena: what summer festival are you about to play ? (wacken, with full force, bang your head) Goatgrinder: dave 74: yes, i've written some of the music. TonyEvol: ok, thanx Dave74: and have you written any lyrics? Goatgrinder: no, we think it's better and more genunie to have the vocalist sing his own words. ZodiJackyl: dark angel....no festivals are booked as of yet..but we are hoping to do alot.. Dave74: ok, why didn't you write anything on "haven"? LivingFlame: how do you work when you write your music? Dark_Angel_Cena: ok Zodi Very Thanks *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Dark_Angel_Cena *** Hamish sets mode: +v IndustriesOfInferno IndustriesOfInferno: Hello guys! I'd like to know what you think about Slipknot and if you'd tour with them! Also i'd like to know some of your favourite musicians of all time (guitarists singers ecc..) and if you like crust/punk and brutal death metal. Oh i'd also like to know if you can live by your music and what's your favourite country where to play live. IndustriesOfInferno: Oh and what do you think about black metal? Goatgrinder: i was very occupied with other things and the inspiration wasn't there. i did write music, but it didn't end up on the album. Dave74: last question for you -> what are your favorite dt song and dt album? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Tonyevol *** Hamish sets mode: +v Elric Elric: Hi everybody, Hi Dark Tranquillity LivingFlame: Goatgrinder hehe ok Goatgrinder: i don't have any favourites as such. once a song is written and recorded it's time for the next one. IndustriesOfInferno: no answer? Elric: Is all the group on the chat ? Dave74: ok thx very much Dave74: see u on tour LivingFlame: What is your best concert memory? (that´s a good one) :) IndustriesOfInferno: Hello guys! I'd like to know what you think about Slipknot and if you'd tour with them! Also i'd like to know some of your favourite musicians of all time (guitarists singers ecc..) and if you like crust/punk and brutal death metal. Oh i'd also like to know if you can live by your music and what's your favourite country where to play live. ZodiJackyl: industries: I love the new slipknot album and I would gladly tour with them, I wouldn´t say im a big fan of punk and alot of the brutal death metal annoys me but there are always gems out there waiting to be discovered.. IndustriesOfInferno: Oh and what do you think about black metal? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Dave74 *** Hamish sets mode: +v exposure Goatgrinder: i haven't heard slipknot that much but think that they're definately have some qualities. ZodiJackyl: best country: Italy and Japan IndustriesOfInferno: Oh ok thanks dudes :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LivingFlame ZodiJackyl: black metal =boring in my book. *** Hamish sets mode: +v At_The_Gates At_The_Gates: How about a compilation with the old demos, 7" tracks, compilation tracks and bonus tracks? Goatgrinder: i've got a pretty selective taste, but i love good brutal d.m. like nile and vader. At_The_Gates: Will you ever do a studio recording of "Misery in me"? And for fux sake, put out a new live video! Elric: When will you start your next European tour ? And will *** DaVeLoMbArDA has left #metalitalia warwick: ok! got to go.. going to eat some HUMGARIAN SPECIALTY right now.........everybody take`s good care,so se you all on tour later this year... MICHAEL NICKLASSON-BASS-DARK TRANQUILLITY ...CHEEEEERRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... MISS ALL OF YOU GYS (AND FEMALES) later exposure: ARE YOU GONNA GO IN QUEBEC AND WICH CITY At_The_Gates: Ses Micke, ta en öl åt mig med! Goatgrinder: atg: when we release the studio version of "misery.." we'll put a cd protection for your stereo only. warwick: tack *** Raist|in sets mode: -v IndustriesOfInferno At_The_Gates: huh? Hamish: bye Micke warwick: ska jag göra Hamish: azz *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir Goatgrinder: ;-) At_The_Gates: I don't get it ormir: question to all band members: what was the last album you bought, and which one are you looking forward to the most? ZodiJackyl: We are looking into releasing all the old stuff on a digital format soon but when and in what form is yet to be decided.. Hamish: who is going away? I'm gettin mad eheh Angra: warwick Goatgrinder: Last album I bought? Ummm..... Goatgrinder: lemmethink.... At_The_Gates: Ok, Stanne, did you listen to the new Sentenced yet, any opinions? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Elric warwick: byes Goatgrinder: Godspeed you black emperor "lift yr skinny fists like antennas to heaven", which is a mighty cool title. *** Hamish sets mode: +v POL *** warwick has quit IRC (Quit: .) POL : to Nicklas - you make great artwork, do you have any arteducation ? ZodiJackyl: last album: jeff buckley -Live at O´lympia...looking forward to Natural born Chaos from Soilwork exposure: CAN YOU RELEASE ANOTHER OF CHAOS AND ETERNAL MCD ormir: let's assume Damage Done hits #1 in the US charts and you become famous. do you think you'd make interesting celebritys? how would it change you? do you think mikael could make long hair look trendy? ZodiJackyl: atg..yeah its their best yet no doubt. Goatgrinder: pol, yes, I've studied arts at the university and have also attended a multimedia and webdesign education. At_The_Gates: Cool At_The_Gates: <--devoice me Raist|in: SoilworK rule! :D Goatgrinder: ormir: let's say it's not too likely ;-) ZodiJackyl: ormir...I already do ;-) POL : Why have u stoped using female vocals ? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v At_The_Gates *** Hamish sets mode: +v Bornsleepy ZodiJackyl: we cannot get girls anymore...simple as that.. Goatgrinder: pol: we had female vox on our first four albums, and felt that it wasn't so exciting anymore. Bornsleepy: Hey guys! ormir: I saw you playing PS2 in the studio pics. do you guys own any consoles? how much do you play? ZodiJackyl: not exiting with girls...shut your filthy mouth ;-) exposure: FOR MIKEAL CAN YOU RELEASE ANOTHER OF CHAOS AND ETERNAL MCD Goatgrinder: i don't play computer games or console games at all. ZodiJackyl: no consoles just fat pc´s!! POL : Ok. If u guys had time and opportunity to di a Side project out from the DT, what would it be like? a question to all band members * Angra no caps pls exposure: ARE YOU GONNA GO IN QUEBEC AND WICH CITY ormir: what kind of games do you like? last game bought? Bornsleepy: What happened to that radiohead cover "street spirit"? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v exposure Goatgrinder: pol: i've got no idea..... *** Hamish sets mode: +v Villain Villain: Are there going to be some "exclusively-just-for-Japanese"-bonustracks on Damage Done? Not that I have anything against Japanese, but I just might start collecting money for the import... ZodiJackyl: bridge commander, jedi outcast, operation flashpoint, il2-sturmovik, day of defeat...are some of my faves right now. Goatgrinder: Villian: yes, there will be one bonus track. Villain: Oh, great... :( ormir: hey, Sturmovik is great! Bornsleepy: Street spirit?? Goatgrinder: which is something we have to do in order to get the albums out on licence there, so it's not our fault ;-) ZodiJackyl: orm..indeed it is. POL : there r rumors that theres be a metal fest in Moscow this summer, i heard that In Flames got some proposals, have you heard anything about it? and what do u think about coming to russia? Villain: I know, I know... ormir: you're a man of taste, no Diablo and Starcraft :) Villain: What exactly does "can you tell me of the inside?" mean? Is it part of the lyrics on Damage Done (which could draw a connection to some of you older work...), or is it something else? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Ormir *** Hamish sets mode: +v VultureC Bornsleepy: You guys just ignore meeeeee.....Will you ever play in the north of sweden? Goatgrinder: we'd love to play in russia. i know that tiamat is going there soon. ZodiJackyl: We would love to go to russia...if our keyboard player returns safely from his trip with Tiamat there we will defenately go if we get the opportunity. POL : yeah tiamat plays this saturday :-) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v POL *** Hamish sets mode: +v Corpsegrinder_GoRe_ObSeSsEd Goatgrinder: there was talk of a gig in umeå, but i don't if it'll happen or not. ZodiJackyl: the quote comes from the opening song on the album called "final resistance" Villain: @ZodiJackyl: Okay. What are the other song-titles? Bornsleepy: There is a festival i Luleå coming up...perhaps you can play there?:) ZodiJackyl: the titles will be up shortly on the homepage...give it time ;-) Goatgrinder: we're trying to get as many gigs as possible, and we haven't been up north for quite some time, so let's hope for the best. Villain: You apparently can't tell me anything about the inside... :p *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Bornsleepy *** Hamish sets mode: +v FatherVic ZodiJackyl: thats what the lyrics are for you know...its all in there. Goatgrinder: Hi FatherVic! FatherVic: well huggies from Barcelona.... FatherVic: and once the formalities done...I suppose it's not scheduled yet, but any bands you'd like to tour with?? ZodiJackyl: Hey man...nice to see you!! FatherVic: hi niklas *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Villain *** Hamish sets mode: +v Thanatos_mx FatherVic: hi mikael :) Thanatos_mx: mikael: is it true you've done some guest vocals for Buried Dreams new album? and what about guest musicians in your oen new album? Oav: ahh...Barcelona, nice! Hi! ZodiJackyl: no it´s not...nothing is confirmed so far.. Goatgrinder: umm...there are no real candidates yet. we haven't started discussing it yet. FatherVic: yup Martin good swimming there huh :PP FatherVic: and well it has been looooong discused in the forum (I don't post much ;) ) why on earth Archetype was finally done...some would say it's experimenting...I also know what some of you know, but still I can't believe that came to be released!!! So tell us why?? :rolleyes: ZodiJackyl: thanatos...yes I did...they were in the studio at the same time as we were and I just did this little thing for one of the songs.. Oav: and drinks Goatgrinder: Has Tiamat played there yet? FatherVic: liquor 54 if I remember correctly :grin: Goatgrinder: Liquor 54! Yay! FatherVic: not yet methinks *** Raist|in sets mode: -v VultureC ZodiJackyl: yay! *** Hamish sets mode: +v kaztal Thanatos_mx: nice...any guest musicians in Damage Done recordings? ZodiJackyl: no just us old bastards! Goatgrinder: Archetype was a not-too-good experiment, but you have to keep on doing those as well. FatherVic: oh and last (probably) FatherVic: and well as you already told, why Japanesses get extra material?? is that they make metal bands big discount on rice or what? ;))) Goatgrinder: that's the reason! FatherVic: niklas...well may be as home experiment may be...Cornered wasn't released grrrrrr :P Thanatos_mx: ok, thanks again for answering, I´m really looking forward for the next album ZodiJackyl: hahah...exactly...no its really to keep the imports down for the japanese market.. Thanatos_mx: you guys rock!!!} *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Corpsegrinder_GoRe_ObSeSsEd Thanatos_mx: unvoice me please ZodiJackyl: thanatos...thanks man" *** Hamish sets mode: +v rahvin rahvin: @niklas/mikael: do you ever listen to your own records apart from shortly after recording time? Goatgrinder: nah...it's because of the fact that the imports are cheaper to buy in japan than what their licence-pressed albums are, so if there weren't any bonus songs nobody would buy the albums. ZodiJackyl: not that often but right now obviously damage done is spinning quite alot.. FatherVic: and what about poor old Europeans :sniff: :P kaztal: devoice me ZodiJackyl: you get more fun stuff to collect :-) Goatgrinder: so it's something that the bands can't control. if we want the album to be out in japan, we provide extra material. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v kaztal *** Hamish sets mode: +v phyre FatherVic: oh, another little question...just to get to think if I'm cheezy really or not... rahvin: @mikael: do you think you write such lyrics because you're not so happy with your life or what? FatherVic: what about Dream Theater....I know warwick likes them...but you???? phyre: hm. 4 out of 5 questions were stolen from me... but ;) Goatgrinder: and you get the luxury of forking out with $$$ for rare material. everybody's happy :-) phyre: niklas, how is it going with the cabin fever prints? Goatgrinder: phyre: they're *cough* on their way. Goatgrinder: lots of things to do and no time...you know the story. FatherVic: yeah, I want to cover myself with orginals grrrrrrr :rolleyes: ZodiJackyl: rahvin: no I am happy with my life but there are alot of things out there that really bug me and the things I see people do to each other make me sick sometimes. phyre: if you made a big one with the old "skydancer" t-shirt design, that very complex pencil drawing, that would rock. well, that is all, except please DO come to umeå. norrland misses you. :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v rahvin *** Hamish sets mode: +v Capri FatherVic: oh! and why are Korean releases different to Japaness...that's tooo forking out ;P Thanatos_mx: moderator: unvoice me please so somebody else can ask a question ;) phyre: devoice me! ZodiJackyl: I am not one to complain all the time, i rather walk away and write it down later.. FatherVic: oh yeah I'm done too... *** Raist|in sets mode: -v phyre *** Hamish sets mode: +v Shrieker Goatgrinder: phyre: i've got that original drawing here somewhere...might be something for the old-schoolers... *** MetalItalia|3075 has joined #metalitalia Shrieker: Hi ZodiJackyl: i know nothing of the korean prints... Goatgrinder: me neither. Shrieker: First of all, can you upload log of this happy and unusual event somewhere? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v FatherVic *** Hamish sets mode: +v IRONANGEL Goatgrinder: that shouldn't be impossible. Shrieker: Okies, then the second and last thing. Capri: This is a question from a friend... Tycker du om Finska köttbullar och dödsmetal också? And what about humppa? Shrieker: You guys are great. Hamish: only english please *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Thanatos_mx IRONANGEL: HELLO GUYS! in these last years, swedish death metal is grown so much (thanks to you, in flames, at the gates etc.). and the diffusion of this kind of metal is better then a few years ago... 1) do you think to enlarge your orizons (of fans) with making more soft your sound? (in flames are not "old-real-death in flames") 2) do you like absinth? LOL 3) you usually chat or this is a special offer? (eheheh) 4) where you are chatting f *** Hamish sets mode: +v Opium Raist|in: Capri: English ZodiJackyl: nej köttbullar skall vara svenska...end of story. Oav: I love absinth! Opium: I've got nothing to ask about the new sound, I TRUST in you guys!!! But I've got a question for Martin... why "SAMBUCA"? (...I'm refering to the Italian date of the TIAMAT tour, but... it's possible he doesn't remember ;P ) We're waiting for you in Italy soon, and I will have my 20/25 pics (with the band members of course...) to put on my web site ;P See you next time! That's all Goatgrinder: 1) not really...we play what we feel like doing without thinking in terms of getting more fans or not. 2) yes, of course! 3) it's rare that we chat, but it does happen... Hamish: sambuca REALLY rules! Goatgrinder: it does! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Capri *** Hamish sets mode: +v DeathChildInRyCooder ZodiJackyl: We always like to expand our horizons,, but without compromising our own musical intergrity. Angra: hamish, alcohol addict :P Oav: perhaps not...anyway, Sambuca is the best, that's just the way it is! ZodiJackyl: Yeas.bring on the green fairy"!!! Hamish: Oav: you've got to try liquirizia sambuca Hamish: and also sambuca centerbe Goatgrinder: is that the black one? Angra: ahah Hamish: yeah goat Goatgrinder: brings back memories :-) Raist|in: lol centerbe rul'z IRONANGEL: i think SAMBUCA rules IRONANGEL: =) Hamish: sorry I'm supposed obly to voice and devoice here ahaha Raist|in: me too lol IRONANGEL: 5)what do you think about italian metal bands? do you know some of them? Oav: Yes i do...what is it? and can you send me some for my collection? I have 10 diffrent brands of Sambuca *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Opium *** Hamish sets mode: +v Misanthrope Misanthrope: One more question guys IRONANGEL: oav, you're my personal mith...i think I'll build in your onor a great COLOSSEUM =) Oav: he he...me likes Sambuca of all kinds! Hamish: Oav of course, anyway.. I know about a famous party.. sex party... well.. I can come there with 12 sambuca bottle.. Hamish: and you can invite me in eheheheh Misanthrope: On the image of the haven disc there are a series of dots, do they have any meaning at all? Goatgrinder: they refer to the seven brands of sambuca available in our rehearsal room. ;-) ZodiJackyl: mis: what do they mean to you? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v IRONANGEL *** Hamish sets mode: +v RapeR ZodiJackyl: they are wolves and one is missing.... Misanthrope: Hehehe well it seems to be a reminder of past of your recordings i was just interesting in knowing if they had any meaning to you Goatgrinder: i know i sound a bit lame here, but the dots do have a meaning and there are clues in the booklet, but i promised to myself not to reveal it in interviews. Misanthrope: hehe well i tried, ok then =) Misanthrope: but well this isnt technically an interview you know...=P Goatgrinder: i included a clause about italian online chats too. Hamish: uhm.. Hamish: I think it will be published on our site anyway Misanthrope: hehehe ok then Raist|in: mmmmm Misanthrope: thats all =) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v DeathChildInRyCooder Reaper: what do you think about your turkish fans? *** Hamish sets mode: +v ShadowofDarkness Goatgrinder: we had a great time in istanbul! Oav: can we please get back to the Sambuca talk? just kiddin... Reaper: and will you Reaper: come again Goatgrinder: come back? Reaper: yeah Reaper: to istanbul Reaper: dont you think ShadowofDarkness: niklas ive visited ur site cabinfever ..it has excellent work of art ??? are drawings and all other stuff for that side of art getting more important than music ?? coz lately i notice that u r not much into lyrics and also into songwriting as once u were Goatgrinder: yes, hopefully. as soon as we get an offer weäll be there. ShadowofDarkness: Turkey Fans RULEZ!!! ZodiJackyl: raper....we were very happy with our stay in turkey and i can´t wait to be back! thank you! Reaper: thanx a lot Reaper: i as with you Reaper: i was with you *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Misanthrope *** Hamish sets mode: +v CapronautA Goatgrinder: sod: i think that i've found a good balance now. on "haven" i was really busy setting up the illustration studio and had to give priority to that, but now i'm managing both. Reaper: i had your sign Reaper: in my arms Reaper: niklas Reaper: did you remember me Goatgrinder: i sign so many arms... ShadowofDarkness: so u see no difference hu ? Reaper: :))) Reaper: hope you see you again Reaper: YOU ARE THE GODS OF Goatgrinder: hopefully we'll have some more time for sightseeing during our next visit. Reaper: SWEEDISH DEATH METAL *** Raist|in sets mode: -v RapeR *** Hamish sets mode: +v LaDyDeATh_necare_vult ShadowofDarkness: so any DVD in the future gugys ???? ZodiJackyl: sod: we are hoping for it..just need some more material. Goatgrinder: we don't have that much material filmed, but it would be interesting to make a dvd or video. ShadowofDarkness: we r waiting for a fucking kewl dvd *** Raist|in sets mode: -v CapronautA Goatgrinder: the naked truth... ShadowofDarkness: it would be great for the fans *** Hamish sets mode: +v Syn Syn: First of all I want you to know you are my fav group EVER! I think your best songs are Auctioned and Lethe, your best album Projector - What do you think is your best album and songs? ShadowofDarkness: all ur albums were different from eachothers ?? so ZodiJackyl: damage done/damage done :-) boring huh! *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LaDyDeATh_necare_vult ShadowofDarkness: how will this one differ from the rest ?? ormir: how much do you listen to your own music? can you enjoy it as it is, or do you always find mistakes and wish you'd done things differently? ShadowofDarkness: i mean Damage Done Goatgrinder: Syn: That's the hardest question we get...I don't really have any particular faves, but the new album is obviously the one that's most exciting and rewarding to listen to for us now. Goatgrinder: ormis: i listen to our own albums 1-2 times a year or something; not very often at all. ormir: on a scale of 1-10, how crazy do you think is the idea of you redoing Shadow Duet with Mikael Åkerfeldt? ZodiJackyl: it changes over time...in the beginning it´s hard not to focus on the little things but after a while you can just sit back and enjoy it.. Goatgrinder: you learn to accept the albums for what they are. ormir: what would you guys like to have on the DVD? what do you think is going to be on it? Goatgrinder: "skydancer", for example, is not the world's best sounding album, but i wouldn't want it any other way either. ShadowofDarkness: any answer to my question guys ??? ShadowofDarkness: :P Hamish: If you want to speak and ask something to Dark Tranquillity ASK CATARTICA to be voiced ZodiJackyl: the hardcore porn hopefully will be on there and some of the drugs, alcohol and perhaps a little bit of music.. *** Hamish sets mode: +v ptredge ormir: can you tell us about your tattoos Martin? ShadowofDarkness: all ur albums were different from eachothers ?? so ShadowofDarkness: i mean Damage Done ShadowofDarkness: how will this one differ from the rest ?? ZodiJackyl: sod: ofcourse it will...in ways you cannot imagine! ShadowofDarkness: hahahah Goatgrinder: it's different, but yet the same. ShadowofDarkness: pretty nice answer ShadowofDarkness: the best fitting one lol Goatgrinder: it's hard to describe exactly how it sounds in a chat like this. ZodiJackyl: what can I tell you man...:-) ormir: You guys are more than aware of your technical abilities to play your instruments, do you feel that fans sometimes oerrate such abilities? ShadowofDarkness: i like u r that much put ur trust on this one!!!! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Ormir *** Hamish sets mode: +v VultureC Raist|in: sorry Ormir ;) VultureC: Hello again. What does each of you do apart from music to earn money? i mean, i know of cabinfevermedia, but what about the others? ptredge: why aren't you gonna play at 2000 decibel this year? ShadowofDarkness: devoice me guys!!!!! Goatgrinder: ormir: absolutely. technical playing is extremely boring without good songs and feelings to convey. Most of my favourite bands aren't technical at all. ShadowofDarkness: devoice! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ShadowofDarkness *** Hamish sets mode: +v At_The_Gates At_The_Gates: Hej igen. Will the new album be out on vinyl? Why don't you have thanks lists on your albums anymore? ZodiJackyl: ptredge: we played last year. Goatgrinder: PTR: it's not up to us to decide where to play. our manager does his best to fix gigs for us, and sometimes we get offers. Goatgrinder: usually, one can't play the same festival two years in a row. ZodiJackyl: atg...i hope so...and because we could never fit in all we want to thank.. Goatgrinder: atg: i don't know about vinyl, but let's hope for it. Goatgrinder: "none mentioned, none forgotten" VultureC: and... How often do you meet for rehearsal each week? At_The_Gates: Its my dream to be thanked on your album, what would I have to do? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ptredge *** Hamish sets mode: +v VladDracul ZodiJackyl: 3-4 times a week.... Goatgrinder: atg: you don't want to know ;-) VladDracul: at last ZodiJackyl: atg...you know what you have to do! ;-) At_The_Gates: I do :) At_The_Gates: ner på knä med andra ord VladDracul: guys At_The_Gates: j/k Goatgrinder: emottag storsläggan! VladDracul: ever thought of having tour over here in the middle east? At_The_Gates: lmfao VultureC: and one final question for the drummer if he's around: which foot technique do you use? whole leg, tip only, or heel/tip? Goatgrinder: VD: that would be great, but as far as i know we haven't had any offers yet. VultureC: thanks so far, keep on rockin', <<< devoice please. ZodiJackyl: tip only i would say without being an expert on the subject...he´s not here but I have seen him a couple of times.. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v VultureC VladDracul: what if u had an offer to perform in lebanon? *** Hamish sets mode: +v Villain VladDracul: you have alot of fans over here in lebanon u know Goatgrinder: we'd gladly play anywhere as long as it's serious offer and the timing is right. VladDracul: i see At_The_Gates: devoice me already, sheesh Villain: Okay, another set of questions coming... Goatgrinder: go for it! VladDracul: and guys Villain: So, as there apparently will be no clean vocals (of either sex) on Damage Done, will you still play songs with clean vocals on the next tour? In other words, do you prefer diverse shows (Haven tour), or more concentrated ones (Projector tour)? *** Hamish sets mode: +v POL POL : to Michael - you vocals have improved much (+clean vocal! ), do you take vocal lessons ? how do you progress?? Goatgrinder: there will only be vocals ABOUT sex. VladDracul: do u like beer? VladDracul: :P ZodiJackyl: we will do a diverse show that includes lots of different songs.. Villain: @Goat: As usual... Villain: Thanks! Villain: Next one... ZodiJackyl: pol..no, I just scream really loud...really. POL : again to michael - whats your job outside from the band? VladDracul: and Goatgrinder dude what do u think of blind guardian? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v VladDracul *** Hamish sets mode: +v _GBG_Rules Villain: What about the sales-figures of DT-albums? Can you make any guesses? ZodiJackyl: pol..i study and work with demented oldies .. Goatgrinder: they were one of my fave bands in the early '90's, and we were every influenced by them when we began playing. Goatgrinder: i don't listen to them so much anymore, but of course they're very good. * Hamish want to remember anyone here if you got question for Dark Tranquillity ASK CATARTICA TO BE VOICED POL: guys, do you earn enough money from the records? would u like a better record label? catartica: hamish non c'è bisogno di ribadire:) Goatgrinder: you generally don't earn much money releasing albums. century media is doing a great job. Hamish: and remember also that Angra could give you an hand with english ZodiJackyl: we are happy with century media but ofcourse things can always get better.. Angra: an hand hihi *** _GBG_Rules has quit IRC (Ping timeout.) *** Hamish sets mode: +v LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON Oav: atg: spritgåvor funkar Goatgrinder: sprutgåvor funkar. POL: what do you thing about americans nu metal bands? like limp bizkit, linking park a so on? :-) Goatgrinder: not my cup of tea, but some of those bands are pretty ok. ZodiJackyl: pol...linkin park are great I think but 98% of it all is crap. LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON: hey guys it's time to talk with a girl, don't u think? Skylane: hahahah Goatgrinder: no girls on this album. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v POL chrystalla: sauhauhauhaauha Goatgrinder: ;-) ZodiJackyl: we are afraid of girls..please ban immediately. *** Hamish sets mode: +v CapronautA LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON: ahahah CapronautA: good night, I would want to know if you will play to Rome, and if when? Hamish: ahahah LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON: ok chrystalla: ehehe Raist|in: no girls here plz ghghghghghgh catartica: ce l'ha fattaaaa:) chrystalla: silence Raist!!! Raist|in: chrystallaaaaa... *prrrrrrrrrrr* lol CapronautA: good night, I would want to know if you will play to Rome, and if when? ZodiJackyl: as we said before...we have no confirmed plans for any shows right now...we are still working on it. chrystalla: Raistt pprrrrrr Goatgrinder: it's a bit early to know when and where the tours will take place. there isn't even a release date for the album yet. CapronautA: ok LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON: I wanna tell I don't like your last project , it was..strange, not ordinary dark tranquillity sound.where's something you want tell about? CapronautA: my second question regards the Italian groups, in particular if you know the death ss? Hamish: urk! Goatgrinder: well, we wanted to try something different out, as with every album...that's all i can say. ZodiJackyl: you mean Haven? Sure it´s a different album, that is what we´ve always done...this new one will defenately be different so maybe you iwll like it. Goatgrinder: Death SS rules! Raist|in: ahahahah!!!!! DEATH SS yeaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Oav: to Ormir: not much to tell, I've designed most of my tattos myself and some with the help of Niklas chrystalla: noooooooooooo chrystalla: noooooooooooo CapronautA: :) ZodiJackyl: yes..death ss used to be cool...now not so much.. * Goatgrinder is being sarcastic CapronautA: well, my last question, you thoughts to play in Italy to the gods of metal? CapronautA: :) Goatgrinder: it was one of our best experiences ever, methinks. ZodiJackyl: we loved when we did it and we would gladly do it again! Goatgrinder: sadist were a good band, though. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v CapronautA *** Hamish sets mode: +v SH[][]TER SH[][]TER: Did you ever think about a live album project with In Flames, Arch Enemy, Children Of Bodom ecc.. ? Goatgrinder: with all those bands on one disc? SH[][]TER: yeah ZodiJackyl: no not really... Goatgrinder: my immediate reaction is no..... ZodiJackyl: \m/ Goatgrinder: we'd rather release something by ourselves instead of having those other bands cheapen the experience. SH[][]TER: ..and what do you think about the italian thrash metal singer Mino Reitano? ZodiJackyl: haha...you go goat! ZodiJackyl: shitter: who?? rocco? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v LaDyDeATh_PAN_DAEMON_AEON Hamish: SH[][]TER don't say eresy please *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir Goatgrinder: did he play in the band empire? SH[][]TER: ;-P catartica: buahahahha shitter ormir: We all know Niklas visits the forum, but what about Martin and Mikael? Goatgrinder: cottura: 666 minutes ZodiJackyl: I do sometimes.. SH[][]TER: bye guys..you're great ormir: When was DT closest to splitting up, if ever? SH[][]TER: -devoice me *** Raist|in sets mode: -v SH[][]TER *** Hamish sets mode: +v exposure exposure: CAN YOU RERELEASE THE OF CHAOS AND ETERNAL NIGHT MCD ormir: @exposure shut up already! it's up to spinefarm ZodiJackyl: ormir: on our second rehearsal. ormir: heheh Goatgrinder: it's up to spinefarm to decide on an eventual re-release, but i don't think they're interested since the mcd is now available together with the skydancer album. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v exposure ormir: do you have plans for a seventh album, or could you comfortably end your career on six? *** Hamish sets mode: +v ShadowofDarkness ShadowofDarkness: how does ur hobbies affect the bands musical stand ??? i know u r into different subjects for example chaos theory which is pretty kewl Goatgrinder: if we'd end, this would be a good swansong, but i think we'll be around for at least six more albums. ShadowofDarkness: also ShadowofDarkness: do u think of cover verions of old DT songs in skydancer era or maybe 7'' times ....2)when is the estimated release date for D.D ?? ormir: you guys have very good english skills, have you studied it, or lived abroad? *** Lord_oF_DeSpaiR has left #metalitalia Goatgrinder: sod: you mean us re-recording the songs? i'm not too much into that idea. Oav: I look at the forum reguraly *** Hamish sets mode: +v manticora ZodiJackyl: shadow...my computer gaming takes up a whole lot of time and my unhealthy obsession with movies too but that is just good .-) ormir: Martin, about the tattoos? Goatgrinder: we once toyed around with re-recording "yesterworld" for a compilation album, but it was never a good idea and fortunately we never got around to recording it. Oav: I mentioned it somewhere above... ormir: oh, sorry. do Niklas or Mikael have any tattoos? manticora: where take place recordings of damage done ? ZodiJackyl: orm..yes we do. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Ormir ShadowofDarkness: i mean rerecording with the new style of DT ShadowofDarkness: of chaos would sound great for example ShadowofDarkness: hmm i see but of chaos would absolutely sound great with the new style ShadowofDarkness: do it plsssss :) *** Hamish sets mode: +v ptredge ShadowofDarkness: when u have free tiöe ShadowofDarkness: time Raist|in: sorry again Ormir ;) time up Goatgrinder: ormir. yep, we're all tattooed. Goatgrinder: never say never, but right now there are no plans of re-arranging old material. ShadowofDarkness: devoice pls!!!! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ShadowofDarkness *** Hamish sets mode: +v fingers manticora: hello guys of dt :'D Goatgrinder: hi! ZodiJackyl: manticora! hey manticora: where take place recordings of new album ? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ptredge *** Skylane sets mode: -v fingers *** Hamish sets mode: +v At_The_Gates ZodiJackyl: studio fredman as always manticora: you think change in near future ? At_The_Gates: Why did Anders Friden leave the band? Was it just because Stanne was so much better, or was it because Stanne sucked on guitar and had to start singing? Angra: haha At_The_Gates: Joke aside, why did he leave? catartica: buahahah ZodiJackyl: haha....a combination actually...my guitarplayind defenately sucked.. Angra: haha * Goatgrinder seconds that. At_The_Gates: no it didnt At_The_Gates: did it? At_The_Gates: I am not a good judge, but your vocals where better than his on skydancer anyway ZodiJackyl: he was not very motivated and we were not on the same wavelength so to speak..it just didn´t work.. manticora: i would to see more often in paris this year !! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v manticora ZodiJackyl: thank you. *** Hamish sets mode: +v RealHarz ZodiJackyl: me tooooo! Raist|in: eheheh At_The_Gates: you guys should spellcheck Fridens lyrics now that you dont write them for him anymore RealHarz: Hi guys! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v At_The_Gates *** Hamish sets mode: +v Villain ZodiJackyl: isn´t that what niklas does? Goatgrinder: ATG: I think that there are computers for that nowadays. Villain: Yeah, once again... RealHarz: Mikael ,is it hard to sing those low-picthed vocals?? ZodiJackyl: well,,,they better be pretty damn good then.. ZodiJackyl: real: no not really...that is my normal voice ;-) Villain: What do you think about your forum at UltimateMetal? The discussions and the people there? Goatgrinder: i think that the ezboard was much better. Villain: Really?!?! Goatgrinder: i mean, you got all these interesting ads and funny popups and such... Villain: LOL :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v RealHarz *** Hamish sets mode: +v IRONANGEL Goatgrinder: i think the forum is going great, and it's good to see that there's a good atmosphere with sensible people and so on.. Villain: Thanks... Goatgrinder: not to mention that mark and UM are doing a great job with the boards and its features. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Villain *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir ormir: Mikael, how did you develop your "voice of satan"? too much hard booze and cigarettes? or is it natural? did it take much practice? IRONANGEL: hello guys, for the second time... what do you think about the nuclear blast's release "tribute to the beast" in which is your "22 acacia avenue"? (greeeeeaaat) 2) a little memory of chuck schouldiner Hamish: hey Ormir it seems you've got voiced a lot of time Hamish: maybe it's better to leave you there haha ormir: please do! catartica: buahahaha Hamish: eheh sorry we've got a queue ormir: are you considering an official DT irc channel? ZodiJackyl: screaming without a microphone trying to outscream anders when he was singing through a pa was good practice.. Goatgrinder: that maiden cover is really old. it originally appeared on a japanese tribute album and was recorded during the "the mind's i" session. ormir: heheh Goatgrinder: i haven't heard the nuclear blast album and didn't know about it until recently. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v IRONANGEL *** Hamish sets mode: +v Satanika ormir: what's your stance on True Norwegian black metal? do you listen to bands like DarkThrone? ZodiJackyl: orm: not really...i don´t get it Raist|in: Darkthrone=Fenriz= STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Satanika: hi guys Goatgrinder: i dislike 99% of all black metal, but enjoy some of the bands on a musical level. ormir: what about a band called called System of A Down? any opinion? catartica: i like storm raistlin:) Satanika: I havent'got ny questions... ZodiJackyl: orm...not my cup of tea ormir: about the official DT IRC channel? Satanika: i only thank you for your music.. ormir: I'm sure we'd all love to have one ZodiJackyl: orm...we have the forum..that is enough i think Goatgrinder: ormir: i think there have been a few semi-official channels that have been endorsed on the homepage, but i don't know if they still exist. ormir: i think an IRC channel would still be nice Satanika: and for your lirycs *** Hamish sets mode: +v POL *** Gooldboy has left #metalitalia POL: Are you guys married? have any children? what do you think about calm family life? ZodiJackyl: satanika: thank you. ormir: Mikael, how do you write your lyrics? do they suddenly come to you, or do you have to sit down and think about it? how long is the process? ZodiJackyl: pol: we are very much afraid of such things.. ormir: Niklas can also answer POL: What was the first band that you heard that got you into rock music? and how old were you ? :-) Goatgrinder: i Goatgrinder: oops *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Satanika Goatgrinder: i'm also of the same opinion...children are no good and should be avoided at all costs. *** Hamish sets mode: +v rahvin ZodiJackyl: orm: its a pretty long process...sometimes it just comes and I work of something for long time and sometimes I have to be focused and sit down and really work. rahvin: here i go again ;) Goatgrinder: go go go! rahvin: do you have much material still unpublished? ZodiJackyl: pol_: rod stewart...4 years old. ZodiJackyl: and tom jones. ormir: who plays lead guitar, Niklas or Martin? or do you vary? Goatgrinder: rahvin: umm....that might be the case. POL: What are your hafourite movies? do you think this year Oscar got the right guys/movies? rahvin: do you think it's any good, or are they just leftovers? Goatgrinder: we've got some leftover songs, but you know about them already. ZodiJackyl: pol: lotr:fotr was robbed! Oav: To Ormir: Niklas plays the most leads POL: yeah! abs true about lotr! :-) rahvin: @mikael: do you read much fantasy? Goatgrinder: some of them are really good; they're not leftovers in the "too bad to be on the album" sense but rather didn't fit too well with the rest of the stuff. ormir: have you had any music lessons or music theory, or are you self-learned? Raist|in: sorry pol... time out *** Raist|in sets mode: -v POL *** Hamish sets mode: +v FatherVic Goatgrinder: we're self-untrained. rahvin: :) ormir: do you use musical theory when writing your lyrics? ormir: i mean music! Oav: selftaught FatherVic: uhmmmm well once again... FatherVic: rahvin: how about making a devoted fanclub of yourself??? :))))))))) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Ormir *** Hamish sets mode: +v despair FatherVic: oh, may be I should ask the band too :P rahvin: @fathervic: i already have that ;) despair: Goatgrinder: i dislike 99% of all black metal, but enjoy some of the bands on a musical level. <-- like? rahvin: @mikael: do you read much fantasy? FatherVic: damn, I must join then!!! FatherVic: what about Pratchett (if that's a yes) ZodiJackyl: rahvin...no I dont..only tolkien. Goatgrinder: ulver, enslaved, zyklon, thorns, old rotting christ etc etc Raist|in: enslaveddddddddddddddddddddd :D rahvin: so what are your other usual readings, if i may ask? Raist|in: :°°°°°°° FatherVic: how times went to see the MOVIE Mikael??? FatherVic: oh, Martin, being as you are, looking as a true viking, have you ever thought playing live with a horned helmet on??? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v FatherVic ZodiJackyl: rahv..italo calvini, peter nilson, vonnegut, greg bear *** Hamish sets mode: +v Nico16 ZodiJackyl: father...5 times in theaters and Im goin again on friday! Oav: ehh, dunno if that would work with the banging and so... nico16: What do you think of the band Tool? And do you enjoy progressive rock? rahvin: @mikael: and how many times do you get drunk in a week? :)) despair: tool are one of the best bands right now ZodiJackyl: nICO....LOVE THEm!! and I love prog rock...my favourite genre no doubt" despair: what do u think of katatonia and their style? ZodiJackyl: rah...2-3 times I guess....i would like more though. rahvin: we all would, i'm afraid ;) ZodiJackyl: rahvin...indeed. ZodiJackyl: despair: ..they are a great band despair: my opinion 2 despair: melancholic music :) chrystalla: yes yes yes!!!! despair: of this new band called novembre? rahvin: i guess i'd be able to write 'undo control' instead of moaning about my awful hangover, tho :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v despair *** Hamish sets mode: +v phyre chrystalla: =) Raist|in: sorry despair, time out ZodiJackyl: rahvin...Ha ha..you know it! Raist|in: appena se dice novembre subito esci fori eh sere'? ghghghgh rahvin: sure i do :) phyre: alrightie... any chance of putting the septic broiler demo on your mp3.com page, like you did with trail.. and moonclad? Goatgrinder: yes, i know novembre :-) chrystalla: Sure! chrystalla: eheehhhe rahvin: there was some tell-tale sign in the lyrics, methinks ;) chrystalla: pure se si parla di bidu! nico16: hey, I don't know if this was asked yet, but why did you choose the title "Damage Done" for you new album? *** deneme12 has joined #metalitalia * Goatgrinder slaps phyre with a bulletbelt-covered herring ZodiJackyl: phyre...what are you talking about? wrong channel .. Skylane: chrystalla... please translate "bidu" !!!! Raist|in: bidu has no translation phyre: are you sure? :P alrightie. hrr. is skydancer available on vinyl? chrystalla: I can't!!! Goatgrinder: obviously a stark raving lunatic...next please. ZodiJackyl: nico...it suits the destructive theme chrystalla: Bidu is bidu Goatgrinder: yep, skydancer is pressed in 300 copies in vinly. Goatgrinder: vinyl even. ZodiJackyl: phyre..perhaps not availible but it exists. rahvin: @niklas/mikael: do you meet often in real life apart from rehearsal and recordings? phyre: i was about to say that :P *** Raist|in sets mode: -v Nico16 *** Hamish sets mode: +v Ormir Goatgrinder: rahvin: sure thing! ormir: which comes first, music or lyrics? or do you write them at the same time? are the songs made to suit the words or the other way around? phyre: last one... mikael, what are you actually singing in the "constant is forever" part of constant? Goatgrinder: the music is always written first, and then lyrics are added. ZodiJackyl: rahvin...niklas always hangs out outside the systembolag,,so we meet there on a mutual mission rahvin: so you consider yourself friends more than work-buddies, do you? ZodiJackyl: phyre...i dont remember rahvin: i like those missions ;) ormir: do you still live in Göteborg? Angra: a friend of mine, thelema93 who is not here tonight, wanted to ask some questions: 1)Dark Tranquillity have always shown a great interest in the web and the multimedia activities... e.g.: your mp3.com's page, with a lot of stuff downloadable, or the almighy website that runs from years ... Tell us how/when you discovered and fell in love with the webworld ... ZodiJackyl: orm yes. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v phyre ZodiJackyl: rah...both. *** Hamish sets mode: +v At_The_Gates At_The_Gates: Has anyone in the band heard the band Agalloch and what was your impressions? I recommended them to Stanne before but I don't know if he remembers it ormir: what do you think about the Göteborg scene these days? what direction is it heading towards? do you consider yourself a part of it? Goatgrinder: angra: i first surfed the web in '94 or '95 or something and was hooked with the massive information overload. from there it just went downhill. * Angra informs: from now, NO MORE QUERIES ACCEPTED * Raist|in - we're accepting no more cues. Sorry. ZodiJackyl: angra...actually me and niklas logged on for the first time together at a local club and ever since we´ve been Bill Gate´s bitches! Goatgrinder: those were the days... rahvin: @niklas: i remember you were well on your way to web heaven in '96 already :) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v rahvin ormir: do you listen to any finnish bands? At_The_Gates: About Agalloch check them out Hamish: ahahaahah really? *** Hamish sets mode: +v ptredge ZodiJackyl: orm...sure we do.. ptredge: are you guys going to Scandinavium on thursday to see Frölunda krossa MoDo? *** NSDAP has joined #metalitalia ormir: like which ones? Goatgrinder: rahvin: That's right - and you were as versed in your D.T.-lore already back then. ZodiJackyl: ptredge...sport=vidrigt! Goatgrinder: Jag skulle gärna vilja krossa scandinavium ;-) Angra: another question by thelema93 2) How much do you feel is important to get in touch with the listeners, and obviously, with their ideas/feelings/opinions about DT's music? ormir: In Flames and Dark Tranquillity go into a dark room... who comes out first? Goatgrinder: angra: it's always interesting to get feedback on our work, so we usually enjoy it a lot. *** Raist|in sets mode: -v At_The_Gates ptredge: to Niklas, did you get any money from In Flames for writing their lyrics? *** Hamish sets mode: +v |Shelly| Angra: thelema's question #3 Is the tonight's chat with your italian fans only a sweet loss of time, or do you really believe in the feedback and ideas' exchange with other people? ZodiJackyl: angra..ofcourse it´s important..but at the end of the day we do the music and you listen ;-)...seriously, we try to listen and take heed of opinions as much as we can. Angra: i think this third question is quite similar to the second one :P ZodiJackyl: indeed. Skylane: the best feedback is drinking italian wine together !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goatgrinder: make that sambuca. Hamish: sambuca forever *** Raist|in sets mode: -v ptredge Chrystal^: yyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! *** Hamish sets mode: +v exposure Chrystal^: MartiniFor Evere!! Chrystal^: eheheheuh ormir: if you could have a person on this chat ask you some question, which one would you like it to be? Raist|in: No sambuca ? No party ! catartica: me:) Angra: thelema's last question About metal mixed with power-electronics... We appreciated a bit of electronics and synthetizers in Haven, and the question is if the next DT evolution will show a deeper involvement in this kind of stuff and if you have ever thought to release an lectro-goth remix of a DT classic (Punish My Heaven, Hedon, Nether Novas should fit very well!).... Goatgrinder: ormir: i've got no idea, honestly. Hamish: we apprecieted? catartica: Goatgrinder say catartica:) Skylane: no lambrusco? no booze ZodiJackyl: angra...i dont think that will happen though. ormir: how is the chemistry in the band currently? Angra: thelema will be disappointed. i prefer the old versions :P Goatgrinder: angra: we're trying new things out with our keyboards, but i wouldn't hold my breath for a goth-remix. Angra: ok thanx :) *** Hamish sets mode: +v MarDuK666 MarDuK666: ahem.........i think that......the gallery is the best album of Dt,The others,above the mind'i are shit ZodiJackyl: ormir...we are full of chemicals as always ormir: ;) hope we'll see that on the DVD Goatgrinder: marduk: fair enough...it's all a matter of taste. ZodiJackyl: orm..haha! ormir: have you ever been arrested? *** Raist|in sets mode: -v |Shelly| Angra: skydancer rules ZodiJackyl: orm..nope...only been taken care of ;-) MarDuK666: mmm ok ok but the DT stile in the gallery it's the best ,i have see th world domination tour MarDuK666: the rome date Goatgrinder: that one was great! i think it was our first gig ever in italy. Goatgrinder: or perhaps milan was the day before...nah, can't remember. ormir: you mentioned you had some tattoos, i'd like to hear wha kind? MarDuK666: in that tour the band have played much better than god's of metal Chrystal^: I was there..Great show!! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v exposure ZodiJackyl: ormir...believe me...you will never see mine. Goatgrinder: ormir: mine neither. ormir: something you got drunk after a concert? Skylane: it's english from the hills (around rome) *** Raist|in sets mode: -v MarDuK666 ormir: could you put an online version of the hedon and zodiackyl videos for those who have PAl video? Goatgrinder: ormir: that will happen a.s.a.p. ormir: excellent ormir: that sounds better that "pretty soon"... ormir: than Goatgrinder: as soon as we've got them in digital format, it'll be taken care of. Goatgrinder: i.e. pretty soon. Skylane: just a question from a rock fan ormir: noooooooo Skylane: i don't know DT Skylane: what can you suggest? Skylane: what could you suggest to... Skylane: people who don't know your music? Goatgrinder: it depends on what your musical tastes are. Hamish: Skylane I suggest you to shut up your mouth with a bottle of Sambuca ghgh ormir: do you have any political ideas or are you a member of any suc organizations? ormir: such Raist|in: ZodiJackyl just a question... you told about Rush at the beginning of the chat... how do you consider old 70's bands such as Black Sabbath or Rainbow, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple ? Did you inspire even to them when you were younger ? Goatgrinder: ormir - nope, we're an entirely unpolitical band. *** Hamish changes topic to 'STASERA I DARK TRANQUILLITY QUI IN CHAT. Non si accettano ulteriori query. No more query to catartica allowed.' Skylane: Hamish I throw a bottle of lambrusco and I hope to drop you ormir: anything you want to say to your finnish fan legion? ZodiJackyl: moi mukkola! ormir: \m/ ZodiJackyl: :-) Raist|in: moi mukkola! <-- what does it mean ? :) Goatgrinder: ormis: perkele vittut! Chrystal^: good night! ormir: hello mukkola (a town) ZodiJackyl: not translatable ormir: Niklas seems to know the basics Raist|in: ok ok I trust :o ZodiJackyl: oh..then i misspelled it...:-( ormir: you mean mulkku? Hamish: hey ZodiJackyl: no ..i dont know.. ormir: rude word... Hamish: will you play something like "Of Chaos and eternal Night" in the next concerts? Hamish: why do you use to play only new songs? Goatgrinder: hamish: that's not impossible. we'll see what happens. Goatgrinder: if we get to do a headline tour, we'll do our best to cover as many different tracks as possible. Angra: skydancer stuff rulez Hamish: ok tnx Angra: :) ormir: with the album done, will you take time to rest, or are you going to hit the iron when its hot and tour like kell? ormir: hell... ZodiJackyl: hit the iron!!!! ZodiJackyl: we are gonna tour like Kjell! ormir: \m/ that's the attitude! ormir: does it get confusing having 2 Martin's in the band? ZodiJackyl: extremely...they are both fat and drunk..impossible to tell apart! Hamish: ok Ormir.. that's all for us I think :o) ormir: I agree, just like Mikael and Michael, bald geezers Raist|in: fat and drunk.... so I just love them :D ZodiJackyl: haha...exactly! Goatgrinder: that's the spirit! *** |Opeth82| has joined #metalitalia Hamish: So.. Hamish: guys, thanks a lot! Hamish: it was really nice to have you here catartica: guys catartica: i don't have any questions Hamish: ormir: can you tell this to DT from me: \m/ stay true!!! Raist|in: MuahauHauhauahAUH Goatgrinder: thank you! glad to see that so many people managed to come here. ZodiJackyl: thank you all! this has been fun...lets do it again once the album is out ok!!"!#¤%% Goatgrinder: see ya later folks! Hamish: last question from one of your fan catartica: i just wnat to thank you for playing some wonderful masterpieces:) Hamish: US tour? Hamish: is it possible? ZodiJackyl: thank you catartica: want:) ZodiJackyl: hamish...yes it is Hamish: hey that's really the last, so don't query me again Hamish: eeheh Oav: Good night & thanx! Hamish: Thank you! Goatgrinder: ciao el quattro stagioni! ZodiJackyl: vaffanapoli! Raist|in: good night guyz Hamish: ahahaha catartica: buahahahahah Angra: haha ZodiJackyl: mondo siffredi Hamish: rocco catartica: siffredi rules;) Skylane: and then? Raist|in: UAHauhauahuahauhauHAHAUAHha ZodiJackyl: yes he does! Raist|in: te paicerebbe rocco eh cata' ? lol *** Oav has quit IRC (Quit: .) ZodiJackyl: good night! Hamish: good night!!! catartica: yeah raistlin Goatgrinder: nighters! Raist|in: nite boyz Skylane: bye *** Goatgrinder has quit IRC (Quit: .) catartica: big cock, gret pleasur *** Prowl3r has left #metalitalia catartica: buahahahah Skylane: mamma mia Raist|in: you'd like I say... Raist|in: eheheheh catartica: sure;) Raist|in: little cock, good wine I say =) Skylane: next chat will be with Rocco Siffredi Hamish: ahahah catartica: wow skylane, good idea:) catartica: it would be a nice gift for me:) ZodiJackyl: haha...then I will be here! catartica: we will invite you:) Hamish: ok.. we're gonna to unmoderate in about 2 minutes |
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