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Band logs - One Night with Blind Guardian |
Il log della livechat con i Blind Guardian, datato 2002;
non è comprabile alle varie chat svoltesi su #tavern (ircnet) anni
addietro, ma è stata sicuramente una enorme soddisfazione ospitare
i bardi di Krefeld, nel momento ad oggi più alto della loro lunghissima
carriera. Raist & #Metalitalia staff ![]() |
*** Raist|in changes topic
to http://www.metalitalia.com - BLIND GUARDIAN in chat questa sera ore 22!
English ONLY please!!! To talk with BG please query Chrystalla. - Per fare
le domande rivolgersi a Chrystalla. Grazie..' *** Raist|in sets mode: -m *** catartica sets mode: +m *** CentVrioN sets mode: +o IMarcusI *** IMarcusI is now known as Magnus Angra: so we can start i think Hiperi0n: i think so :) Magnus: yep catartica: :) Angra: the chan is moderated CentVrion: well CentVrion: chan is moderated CentVrion: to talk you need to be voiced CentVrion: ask chrystalla for voice CentVrion: we will give voice making turns Angra: query her and write "voice me" CentVrion: between users CentVrion: in this way markus won't have to talk simultaneously with too many users Magnus: great idea ;-) *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v Dark_Angel *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v Bratislawsky *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v DreamTone DreamTone: Hello Marcus,Thomen.I have a professional band and we will release our first album on Nov.2002.My question is what will be the cost for us(if it is possible) to have a Blind Guardian cover in our recording?We were not able to join to the tribute project :(. Dark_Angel: Follow The Blind! Dark_Angel: Hail Magnus and Blind Guardian! Magnus: That is not so much a problem of costs (we won´t charge you), the question is if Virgin will allow you to use one of the songs Dark_Angel: my fist question for you is Dark_Angel: I know that you are a great fan of Tolkien... you have seen the film? Dark_Angel: What You think about it and whta's your favourite personage in the book and in the film? DreamTone: ah can we discuss it via e mail or so?I have contact with you...AND THANX Bratislawsky: ELEN SILA LUMENN OMENTIELVO Raist|in: Bratislawsky: English please, not Quenya ;) Bratislawsky: ahahhaha CentVrion: Bratislawsky.:. english please Bratislawsky: ahaha Bratislawsky: hello Magnus: Yes, I have seen the movie and I love it, even though some important parts are missing. but I don´t realy have a fav. part, I love it all Bratislawsky: Iwant a song about Turin Turambar Dark_Angel: great! Bratislawsky: sinister Bratislawsky: very sinister Dark_Angel: a second quest is Dark_Angel: Nightfall in the middle earth e' a great work but i have felt that it was not Dark_Angel: completed and that it had to exit miniums cd... is true? Bratislawsky: ehi Magnus: Why don´t you write such a song if you want one ;-) Bratislawsky: ahaha Bratislawsky: great! Bratislawsky: ehi Bratislawsky: What about Viggo Mortensen's performance? DreamTone: MARCUS-:can we discuss it via e mail or so.I want to know the procedure..thank you Magnus: Yes, it was not realy completed and there are some songs left which will be released one day, Harvest of Sorrow was one of them Dark_Angel: and when will be released? Magnus: Yes, send a mail to our webmasters, they´ll forward it Magnus: I don´t know DreamTone: thank you good night *** catartica sets mode: -v DreamTone Magnus: good night *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v bubbo *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v bardoSiculo Dark_Angel: I have felt that the next disc of Blind Guardian is a concept of the lord of the rings is true? Bratislawsky: ehi!! *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v Lord_Grave Magnus: no bardoSiculo: Dear Guardians... nice to talk tonight with you ^_^. I hope that i will live enough to see you on june 9 2002 at Monza,Gods of metal :P Just a question, then: what songs from "A night at the opera" will (maybe)you play in live? It's so hard, i know... and you don't have so much time to spend. Probably songs without many arrangements and other stuffs... finally: carry on, guardians! From Battalions to NightAtOpera you were the *** CentVrioN sets mode: -v Bratislawsky *** CentVrioN sets mode: -v Dark_Angel Magnus: we don´t know yet, we are still in the middle of rehearsing, the plan is to play about 3-4 new songs in our normal shows, I´m not sure about the festivals bubbo: what about your concept album "the lord of the rings"? Magnus: This is our kind of internal sideproject, it will be released one day but I have no idea when this will be... bardoSiculo: songs like battlefield... maiden and the minstrel knight will be PLAYED? it will be so hard... bubbo: i've listened about 2004 bubbo: i've listened about in 2004 bardoSiculo: time stands still were played some years ago... then... :) Magnus: maybe bardoSiculo: i hope it :) Magnus: :-) bardoSiculo: i will enjoy that festival with you :) *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v bardoSiculo Magnus: good Magnus: Just a short message to all of you, please don´t send private messages, I won´t answer them now, please ask in public *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Lord_Grave *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v Lord_Grave CentVrion: spetta CentVrion: non ha parlato bubbo: isn't lotr very different in comparison to the other album? Lord_Grave: Greetings, Marcus. I am here in the name of YUmetal, a former Yugoslav metal community. I would like to talk to you about including Belgrade in your tour. Magnus: Yes, it will be very different Lord_Grave: Please initiate a private chat with me. bubbo: what are your favourite book? Magnus: As I said before, you will have to ask our booker, please send a mail to our webmasters, they will forward it *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v bubbo *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv IRONANGEL Satanika ^Tommy^ Magnus: My fav. Book is "Pillars of the Earth" from Ken Follet IRONANGEL: hello marcus! my questions are: 1)who wrote lyrics of "frutto del buio"? 2) will you play it in "gods of metal" festival this year? 3)will you return in italy this year after summer? Lord_Grave: Do you get my messages? Magnus: 1) An Italian friend of us 2) maybe 3) yes Satanika: hi guardians! Magnus: hi Lord_Grave: I will. Please send you recommendation. It is important that we are taken seriously. Satanika: What the lyrics of the new album del wuth? I?ts aconcept? Satanika: What are the concept of the album Satanika: ? Magnus: No, there is no concept, they deal with a lot of different topics, the Trojan war, Gallileio Gallilei, Jesus Christ, pure Fantasy... IRONANGEL: marcus, hansi simlpy song italian language or he studied a few time? Magnus: @ Lord Grave: Send a mail to our webmasters, they´ll forward it to me *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Lord_Grave Magnus: Hansi doesn´t speak Italian at all :-) *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v IRONANGEL Satanika: In you liveset will you play some old song,lile banish form sanctuary or follow the blind? ^Tommy^: where do you get inspirations to write your songs? from a particular band, or from tolkien's books maybe? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Satanika *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v ^Tommy^ *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv MotorH3ad Ragnar_CocaineCowboy SteveH MotorH3ad: Magnus what's your favourite heavy metal band? Magnus: Sorry for the delay, Thomen just called me, he´ll be here soon Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: ok iwant to be fast Magnus: Yes, We´ll play some old songs *** MotorH3ad is now known as IronMaiden Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: i want to tell you that you are one of my favourite band at all,you're like gods for me Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: and now a question Magnus: I can´t tell you just one fav. Band, there are just too may, like old Maiden, Black Sabbath, Rush, Fates WArning... *** IronMaiden is now known as MotorH3ad Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: in your future albums what you think to a concept on the roman empire?tibur rulez! Magnus: good idea, maybe Hansi should do something like that Magnus: Hi thomen *** CentVrioN sets mode: +o Thomen Magnus: Du kannst es ja doch noch ;-) MotorH3ad: cze catartica: hi thomen, welcome Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: ok hi thomen! SteveH: What is the song of the new album, with the lirycs of "Dragonlance"? Magnus: The Soulforged Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: you're a god of epic metal! you and all the guardians Magnus: Thanx Angra: hallo thomen Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: hail to you!Follow The Blind Thomen: hi all CentVrion: hi Thomen :: Ragnar_CocaineCowboy: grazie lucià e agli altri levatemi pure il voice:) *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Ragnar_CocaineCowboy Thomen: how are you doing all together SteveH: to MAGNUS: what is your favorite Iron Maiden song? Magnus: Purgatory *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v SteveH Thomen: sorry for being late *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Black_Shark kOkOrItO Quorthon Quorthon: hi Thomen and Magnus! I love Blind Guardian with all of my heart, I think that Nightfall in Middle-Earth is the most emotive album of all times..simply wonderful! So now, what can you tell me about an approaching live album (with dvd)? good night bards! Black_Shark: Hi Marcus! I've recently bought the Nightfall picture disc and the Imaginations picture disc. So could you tell me how many copies were printed for these 2 album (especially IFTOS). Thanx a lot, I love you and A Night at the opera is great and kicks ass! ^_^ kOkOrItO: 1) Magnus, you said Harvest of sorrow is about Tolkien's world? 2)Please, please, please, join the soundtrack of the Two Towers!! 3)Do you know the real meaning of "Frutto del buio" lyric? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v MotorH3ad Black_Shark: and another thing (this isn't #tavern ahah ^__^)..what about DVD?? PLEASE MAKE ONE!! I've bought a new PC for this! :) Magnus: There will be a new double live cd next year Magnus: and there also might be a DVD Quorthon: great! :) Quorthon: you rule! Black_Shark: yeaah Black_Shark: DVD rules! Black_Shark: Magnus: and what about picture discs?? Magnus: concerning the Picturediscs, I have no idea how many of them were made Black_Shark: :) kOkOrItO: can you give us the tracklist of the live shows? Black_Shark: -_- Magnus: I could but I wont ;-) kOkOrItO: :) Black_Shark: 2 thousands perhaps? Magnus: maybe Black_Shark: more? kOkOrItO: 1) Magnus, you said Harvest of sorrow is about Tolkien's world? Black_Shark: well, anyway thanx again *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Quorthon Magnus: yes Magnus: it is kOkOrItO: about what? kOkOrItO: in particular? Black_Shark: please return i nMariposa (MilanO) Magnus: it still deals with the silmarilion Black_Shark: I want my ass getting signed by all of you :) Magnus: if you wnat to know more read the lyrics ;-) kOkOrItO: and for the two towers? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Black_Shark Magnus: No idea *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v kOkOrItO Thomen: then come to our shows, Black Shark, but not your ass please *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Commander Ozy_Harvester_Of_Sorrow ThePKH catartica: guys, thomen is the drummer, you can ask him something, too:) ThePKH: How do you feel about Swedish death metal and their great meatballs? Thomen: tx catarctica;-)) * ThePKH runs around naked.. Ozy_Harvester_Of_Sorrow: hail guardians!ggrrrrrrrreeeeeeet your latest cd! Magnus: I love In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Hypochricy, Soilwork... Magnus: and some others Raist|in: SOILWOOORKKKKKK (sorry for the intermission) :) Ozy_Harvester_Of_Sorrow: how was the whole idea of making harvest of sorrow in many languages?? Commander: Hi marcus and thomen ThePKH: thanks for the answer. you should try those meat balls. :) Thomen: hi commander Commander: when can i see you guys in sweden? Magnus: The idea was to do something special and somebody just had the idea to try to do one song in different languages Magnus: in September ThePKH: Has Hansi changed as a person after he became father? Magnus: not yet :-) Thomen: no , not at all, he only got fatter, lol Ozy_Harvester_Of_Sorrow: how are you planning to paly all these orchestral stuff live?have you ever thought of making a whole orchestral cd? ThePKH: hehe Magnus: we´ll play it with a keyboard as usual Commander: i really look forward too it Thomen: Ozy: Andre and Hansi are working on an orchestral thing already *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Ozy_Harvester_Of_Sorrow Thomen: it will be something really special *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v ThePKH *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Galadriel Maledetta^ Shooter Commander: where in sweden can i see you? Shooter: In the italian version of your new album there's the bonus track "Frutto del Buio" and I know that there are some versions in different languages of this song. In these versions have you changed only the lyrics or also the arrangement? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Commander Magnus: I don´t know that in the moment, as soon as the dates are confirmed we´ll announce them at the homepage Thomen: Magnus you were faster in typing, you bastard, hehe *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Galadriel Maledetta^: why did u do a cover of surf in USA ? HOW DID U GET THIS IDEA? Magnus: the versions with different lyrics are all the same (concerning the music) but there is also an accustic version, no orchestra, no drums *** CentVrioN sets mode: +v FernandoGalucci[GdL] Shooter: Another question... what is your best album? =) Magnus: I´m always faster... ;-) Thomen: Maledetta: We all loved this song and liked the BB always Maledetta^: me too:) Thomen: Magnus: Dreamer;-)) Magnus: at least my doublebass is faster ;-) Thomen: Shooter: In m opinion it´s the last one: ANATO Magnus: ANATO and Somewhere * FernandoGalucci[GdL] is shooting any finns running around naked Shooter: TANK you guys! *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Maledetta^ Thomen: u´re welcome *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Shooter FernandoGalucci[GdL]: Thank yoz *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv JellowiN KingDiamond777 Nikochan JellowiN: first of all,congrats for your A night at the opera(i think it´s your best album).Here is my question(to marcus and thomen):what do you think about your personal work in this new album? is there something you would change? and finally what can you tell us about the live stage and effects that we will see? KingDiamond777: Hello marcus! I am also from yugoslavia (like Lord_Grave) and here (in Yugoslavia) are huge number of people waiting to see YOU!!! So please consider to put Yugoslavia in your tour list! Damned_So: devoice ! *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v FernandoGalucci[GdL] JellowiN: first of all,congrats for your A night at the opera(i think it´s your best album).Here is my question(to marcus and thomen):what do you think about your personal work in this new album? is there something you would change? and finally what can you tell us about the live stage and effects that we will see? Magnus: for me it is too early to talk about what we should have changed now, I´ll be able to judge this in about one year JellowiN: ok Thomen: JellowiN: I would like to work a little more on slower songs!!! ;-)) I got too old!°!! Magnus: lol JellowiN: :) KingDiamond777: You can contact me on kingdiamond@yumetal.net if you are interesting for comming to YUgoslavia KingDiamond777: or you can give me yours email or phone number... Nikochan: I wanted to ask you if the song "the maiden and the ministrel knight" is based on some story Magnus: again, please send a mail to our webmasters, they can forward your offers to us JellowiN: to thomen:the best place to live in spain is Pamplona Magnus: it is about Tristan & Isold Magnus: whatever that means JellowiN: ask your wife JellowiN: come here JellowiN: hahaha KingDiamond777: i have one more question: what do you think about King Diamond and did you hear any YUgoslav metal band? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v KingDiamond777 Nikochan: thank you Thomen: JellowiN: No, it´s Madrid for sure, lol;-)) *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v JellowiN *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Navarre pain[master] Ravenlord *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Nikochan Magnus: I like King Diamond, though I prefer old Mercyful Fate, and no, I don´t know any bands from yugoslavia pain[master]: hi marcus and thomen,i have only one little question for you........will anyone of you play in other band's album as special guests? Ravenlord: Hi Guys!! Thomen: King D: King Diamond is cool or at least was, but any yugosl. bands I only know the guys from the sampler: Tribute to BG Magnus: maybe, but nothing like that is planned now, we´ll see... pain[master]: ok Thomen: pain: till now nothing planned Navarre: Hello Marcus and Thomen. I have a simple question. What covers did you do in the period with lucifer's heritage? Magnus: oh, that was looooong tima ago Thomen: horrible ones!!!:Navarre Thomen: ;-)) Navarre: why? :) Magnus: I remeber we played Prowler from Maiden and Deathrider from Anthrax on the frist BG-Tour Thomen: they were good for that time, but today.....;-)) pain[master]: and in your next tour what are your support bands? Ravenlord: My first question was about surfin' usa and it has just been stolen by maledetta^!!so the second one is:"nightfall in a middle earth" is the best powermetal album that has been released,but I think that those intermissions between all song make the listening of your opera a little difficulty.What do you think abut this? *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v pain[master] Magnus: Freedom Call in Germany, switzerland and maybe also in Spain *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Navarre *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Blasphemus Blind Fangface Magnus: I still like all of those interludes Ravenlord: last thing:thank you for SURFIN'USA!!! *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Ravenlord Magnus: you´re welcome :-) Fangface: hi magnus and thomen!!! just a few questions: 1)which are your fave guitarists/drummers? 2)do you like KISS? 3)lord of the rings (the song) is an immortal classic,do you agree? :) Blind: Hi Guardians I love you!my question:will you play in Florence on your next tour?ps:if you'll play Majesty at the Gods of Metal I jump on the stage...woooooowwwww!!:))Blind Forever! Blasphemus: in a festival with not much time to spend... what old pieces do you prefer to play? from what album? Thomen: me too, Raven Blasphemus: in a festival with not much time to spend... what old pieces do you prefer to play? from what album? Thomen: Fangface: Simon Philips and Scott Rockenfield catartica: Blasphemus don't repeat Magnus: 1) Randy Rhoads, Zack Wylde, Toni Iommi... 2) yes 3) yes ;-) Fangface: :)))) I love you allllllllll Magnus: I don´t know, fast songs maybe... CentVrion: Magnus: 1) .Randy Rhoads. --- GREAT!!!!! Magnus: yep Thomen: 2) yes 3 ) yes Blasphemus: what do you think about Manowar?!? Magnus: I like their first 4 albums Blind: What about other italian tours? Magnus: in september Thomen: Blasphemus: me too the first 5 ones Magnus: or was it in October??? :-) Blind: Florence Rome...? Magnus: don´t know yet *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Blasphemus Thomen: October Magnus: ok *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Blind Thomen: I think at least Magnus: lol Thomen: hehehe Magnus: this year Thomen: don´t laugh about me, Magnus *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv HoS_Only_For_Powerzone Prowl3r Richter Thomen: ;-)) Richter: Thomen and Mangnus hi and good night You all guys are superior I love you all :) This is for you Thomen I think you'll be coming to Turkey on June will you play songs from your old stuff and how do you expect the atmosphere in Turkey? HoS_Only_For_Powerzone: Hi Power Guardians!!! :)) just a question for you: how many time do you need for write and make a song? thx a lot...I'm Lost In The Twilight Hall..yyeeaahh :))) Prowl3r: Hi Guardians! I've loved so much your albums, but i have been really really disappointed about your song in italian lenguage!I think it has been a big effort for you but, sorry my firends, it's really a bad bad stuff!!! see you at gods of metal!!! *** Hiperi0n sets mode: -v Fangface Magnus: i would never laugh about you, would i... Thomen: We expectv a big party in Istanbul, Richter *** DeTesToRm (MorticiaN@62.98.AzzurraNet-36226) has joined #Metalitalia Thomen: We will play old ones mostly, Richter *** Hiperi0n (shshs@AzzurraNet-56743.24-151.libero.it) Quit (Quit: .) Richter: Have you ever come to Turkey? Magnus: I can´t tell you how long it takes to write a song, that differs from song to song, we had everything in between 1 week to 8 months... Thomen: Careful Maggi Thomen: hehe HoS_Only_For_Powerzone: 8 month?? wow HoS_Only_For_Powerzone: :)) Magnus: :-) Richter: Thomen Have you guys ever been to istanbul HoS_Only_For_Powerzone: ok...thx a lot see you in italy!!!:)))) gods of metal!!!! Magnus: No, not yet Magnus: see you *** Angra sets mode: -v HoS_Only_For_Powerzone Prowl3r: ah.....do you remember the show in roma the tour of nightfall? it was great! bye! Richter: Guardians...I advice you all to come to Turkey for holidays :) *** Angra sets mode: -v Prowl3r *** Angra sets mode: -v Richter *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv catartica Lolth TecH Magnus: good idea :-) Lolth: Good Evening Thomen and Marcus, it's a pleasure talking to you: My first question: If u could be in another band... which one would u like that to be?? *** catartica sets mode: -o catartica catartica: hi,these are questions by my friend maxi: why don't you write anymore instrumental songs like under the ice? Lolth: the show in roma the tour of nightfall? it was great! bye! Lolth: Richter: Guardians...I advice Thomen: Prowl3r:We remember it was a greqat show Lolth: oops TecH: hail to you guardians! you simply the best!! Magnus: Rush maybe Thomen: italian fans are crazy loud Thomen: tx Tech TecH: what's your favourite brand of beer? Magnus: I hate beer :-) TecH: !!! Magnus: Maybe one day we´ll write another instrumental CentVrion: wine is better!! Lolth: should I paste my question? Lolth: ? Raist|in: Magnus: I hate beer :-) Thomen: Tech: I don´t drink alcohol anymore, because I smoke already too much cigarettes catartica: will you write a song about simon the sorcerer? * Raist|in dies Magnus: yep, wine is great Raist|in: :D CentVrion: Lolth.:. just ask Lolth: My first question: If u could be in another band... which one would u like that to be? Lolth: I sis before Lolth: did TecH: and you thomen? Magnus: still Rush ;-) Lolth: oh sorry :) Lolth: yeh and u thomen? catartica: will you write a song about simon the sorcerer? catartica: ops, sorry for the repetition:) Thomen: Lolth: I would not like to join another band, anyhow, because I´m happy with our music and I can play everything I want there TecH: do you also hate beer??? Lolth: cool thomen Lolth: Do u intend to do some autograph sessions in Greece, what with the huge succes of BG here??? Magnus: oh, and I don´t think we´ll write a song about Simon since Hansi doesn´t play computergames, so he has no idea who simon is :-) catartica: ok catartica: will you remake battalions of fear in a more modern way? Thomen: We will maybe on tour, Lolth Lolth: ok... :( I wish then Lolth: and fibnal ones: :D Thomen: If somebody of the promoters arrange something Lolth: Thomen: U R A GOOD DRUMMER AND DO NOT EVEN THIK ABOUT WORKING ON SLOWER SONGS! :ppppppppppppppppppppppp Lolth: oh and u really haven't ever read LOTR???? why? Magnus: lol Thomen: Lolth: ;-))))))))) tx alot TecH: well guardians, good night..BG rulez! Lolth: ;) Lolth: hehehe catartica: answer please:) Thomen: Good night Tech *** Angra sets mode: -v TecH *** Angra sets mode: -v Lolth Magnus: I don´t think so, at least we don´t plan to re-record it in the moment Thomen: Maybe catarctica anyday Hansi will, but I don´t think so catartica: hansi worked with kiske for land of the free. will he work with you in one of your projects? Magnus: who knows... catartica: tell the one who wrote frutto nel buio that "esci fuori" is wrong, the right word is just "esci". congratulatins for your new cover art, even if a lot of fans don't like it. my friend maxi thanks you catartica: goodbye:) Magnus: see you *** Angra sets mode: -v catartica *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv DeathChild Soulforged ^Buzniev^ Thomen: tx catarctica *** ChanServ sets mode: +o catartica Thomen: bye catartica: :) Soulforged: hi magnus and thomen : in the concert of arctica sonata they announced that they are going to come to Chile .. I hope that they have many desire to come, because Chile waited for them anxiously..that they say of this? Magnus: We are just planning our South american tour, but we don´t know all the dates yet ^Buzniev^: ELEN SILA LUMENN OMENTIELVO!I just want to know what band do you likes now aday?What about Dream Theater? Magnus: Yep, I like them Thomen: DT is cool Thomen: They are really good progressive musicians ^Buzniev^: and what else bands di oyu like? ^Buzniev^: do you Soulforged: Thomen and Marcus: which is your favorite song of the a night at the opera album Thomen: Queen, Judas Priest, Queensryche(old ones) Magnus: All kinds of bands, too many to mention tham all now ;-) ^Buzniev^: ok ^Buzniev^: :* Thomen: ....and much, much more ^Buzniev^: bye! Magnus: That changes every day, today it is the soulforged Soulforged: jejjeje catartica: goodnight everyone:) Thomen: Soulforged: And then there was silence and Punishment D DeathChild: From what do you take inspirations for your lyrics and songs?? *** Angra sets mode: -v ^Buzniev^ Magnus: Inspiration can come from anywhere, it may be just a mood you are in for example *** Angra sets mode: -v DeathChild *** CentVrioN sets mode: +vvv Axl85 KingPest Nikochan *** Angra sets mode: -v Soulforged Axl85: Magnus & Thomen, please, come to play a concert in the south of italy!!! It is not easy to go to the northen towns! I will be so happy if u'll come in Campania or Sicily. Thomen: We are planning tom play in Sicily on our next tour maybe Axl85: bardosiculo wants to invite u in his home...me too Axl85: campania nothing? Magnus: we´ll definitely come to Italy but we don´t know the exact dates and places yet Axl85: thx Axl85: u r gr8! Raist|in: MAgnus: you mentioned Fates Warning some time ago... do you know about Zonder's previous band, Warlord ? And what do you think about their reunion with Hammerfall's singer Joacim Cans ? Nikochan: do you know any italian groups? what do you think about Rhapsody, Domine, Elvenking...... Axl85: there is a lot of good food in my home and in bardosiculo's one! :D Magnus: Yes. I know Warlord and I like their old Stuff but all those reunions are a little bit too much for me... Axl85: u can come to visit us whenever u want Raist|in: Magnus: as I thought :) Thomen: Rhapsody are really good band, the rest I don´t know, but I´ll listen to it anyday *** Angra sets mode: -v Axl85 Thomen: tx Ax185 Magnus: I like Labyrith, at least the one album I have :-) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Ravenlord *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Commander *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Haplo Commander: Hi again guys! I have a few more questions to you. 1) Do you like Iced Earth? 2) Have you heard of pain of salvation 3)what is your favorite song from all of all your albums? 4)Thomen: what can i do to learn play faster? any good ideas? practice is good, but anything else? Haplo: Good evening Thomen and Marcus Magnus: Hi Haplo :-) Haplo: Thomen.. greetings from Andreas, and a bunch of drumsticks thrown at you too, for getting slower :P Magnus: 1) yes 2) yes 3) tha again changes every day, today I would pick journey through the dark Magnus: lol Nikochan: what do you think about nu metal band? do you think that they are "false metal"? Haplo: Being the Easter period, did you guys consider Sinner's request, on performing with a bunny rabbit suit on stage? :) Commander: what do you think about pain of salvation? Magnus: I like some of them like Linkin Park or Korn, and I don´t care if they are true or false or whatever, i just like their music *** Angra sets mode: -v Nikochan *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Gr|m[away] Magnus: @ commander: I just know their name, i don´t know a single song from them Gr|m[away]: hi Gr|m[away]: I've been surprised by drums/guitars presence and arrangement in your sound especially in your first releases... it is very different from almost all others epic metal bands... wich are your real music roots? have you ever considered yourselves as a thrash-like band at least for the guitars/drums set? Magnus: I love a lot of the old Tharsh bands like Testament or Forbidden and they definitely inluenced when we wrote the songs for Follow the blind... Commander: what have happened to thomen? Gr|m[away]: ...do u think to have been influenced by german thrash bands? (sodom.. kreator... destruction...) Haplo: Are you guys planning to do any videos soon? The Soulforged would be perfect for it IMO :) Damned_So: WOW !! THRASH METAL !!! Magnus: no Damned_So: :)P Magnus: and again no :-) Gr|m[away]: k tnx :) keep on kicking asses :) Magnus: ok :-) Thomen: Grm: NO for sure not Haplo: You could put some inspiration from Rhapsody, with fake backgrounds, waving swords (like in the Viva special) and magic spells (since it's about Raistlin) Raist|in: who calls me ? :PpP Magnus: lol Commander: is it any official blind guardian fan club right now i can join? Gr|m[away]: tnx tnx tnx Thomen: PPL, please don´t /query me anymore, ok??? I can´t handle soo much Magnus: there still is the circle of the bards but we are reconstructing it in the moment... *** Angra sets mode: -vvv Commander Gr|m[away] Haplo *** Damned_So sets mode: +v IRONANGEL *** Damned_So sets mode: +v JellowiN IRONANGEL: hi, another question... 1)do you think Rhpasody get more from you? 2)your first metal band was..? (when you were teen-agers) 3)B. Leverkusen will wins champions league? (juventus rules ...lol) JellowiN: To Thomen: again ask your wife for "San Fermines" in Pamplona XDDDDD and waht is your favourite Blind Guardian song and what do you feel in a live show? To Marcus:what songs in ANATO have a written by you(or with your personal additions) a part of Harvest of sorrow? To The band:you´re the Bards of Metal,the only ones that can improve without loose your fans cause you allways make a masterpiece and please don´t change your mind with your *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Mordor Mordor: Hi BG!We've alredy spoken in Tavern and in the RockHard Chat years ago,but I imagine you can't remember that!I've just a question for Markus,what do you think about the new digital amp modelling systems (line6 stuff,digitech stuf, tech21 etc)?And yes!!!Come here in Sicily!!!!=)))Well,see you at WOA!Greetings to the Tavern friends! Magnus: 1) ??? 2) Maiden 3 ) No idea, I don´t like soccer JellowiN: you are my fave band since Battalions of fear IRONANGEL: soccer question was to thomen =) Thomen: JellowiN: Torros??? JellowiN: toros JellowiN: yeah Magnus: I have a line 6 Pod and I realy like it JellowiN: bulls Mordor: yeah me too markus Thomen: yep, JellowiN JellowiN: marcus what is your aportation to anato? IRONANGEL: but the bass player for the tour will be of the label? he is the same of the album ? JellowiN: i know harvest of sorrow Magnus: Sorry , what does aportation mean??? JellowiN: your additions Mordor: how much will you play in WOA? Mordor: 1h? Magnus: ok :-) JellowiN: in the album JellowiN: my english is a shit sorry *** Angra sets mode: -v IRONANGEL *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Frostmoon Magnus: I wrote some more songs which are have not yet been released Frostmoon: « Thomen I'm born the 11th of March like u and i'm very proud to have this common point with one of my favourite drummers ever!!Blind Guardian kick asses and I think that A night at the opera is something amazing!!Great to all of you!!After the compliments, one question..what do u think is the main difference between ANATA and nightfall?or do you think there's not difference but just continuity? *** ChanServ sets mode: +o CentVrioN *** Angra sets mode: -vv JellowiN Mordor Magnus: We´ll headline Wacken so we´ll play longer than one hour for sure ;-) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Mordor *** Damned_So sets mode: -v Mordor *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Richter Thomen: Frostmoon: Cool -your birthday, hehehe!!! Richter: Thomen why do you smoke so much even you are a drummer but I see that it doesnt effect you too much you are one of the rarest drummers in the world I think. how can you find the musical notes so fixed to the song? :)) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v AIOROS AIOROS: I have no question for you, but I want to say Thanks because your music makes me happy! Thanks once again!^^ Thomen: Frostmoon: I think ANATO is much more progressive, at least from the drums Frostmoon: magnus why some songs that are so difficult to make for any other bands to you result so simple? Frostmoon: i think that for a lot of bands creating some music like yours is impossible Thomen: ....but in the end it´s a continuity!! Magnus: I don´t know, it is just our style... Thomen: really, frostm.??? Frostmoon: yeah thomen Richter: Thomen why do you smoke so much even you are a drummer but I see that it doesnt effect you too much you are one of the rarest drummers in the world I think. how can you find the musical notes so fixed to the song? :)) Thomen: I hope so, so there will not be so much coverbands, lol!!! ;-)))) Frostmoon: and it's this way thanks to your special style Magnus: lol Frostmoon: heehhehe great!! Frostmoon: tnx to magnus and thomen Frostmoon: thomen *** Angra sets mode: -v Frostmoon Thomen: yep??? *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Dark_Angel Dark_Angel: Hi Thomen , Hi Marcus Dark_Angel: Hi Guardian You're Immortal in My Heart , a question for the great Drummer Thomen!! I Love You which is the song that you mostly like playing live? and your favourite drummer? Richter: Thomen why do you smoke so much even you are a drummer but I see that it doesnt effect you too much you are one of the rarest drummers in the world I think. how can you find the musical notes so fixed to the song?:)) *** Angra sets mode: -v Richter *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Capri|away Capri|away: Hello BG! i have a Q: Is it easy to make all the symphonic parts in your music? To me it sounds impossible, but im novice when it comes to recording and stuff. ANATO rules btw! Magnus: No, I wouldn´t call our songwriting easy, otherwise it wouldn´t take so long Dark_Angel: Hi Guardian You're Immortal in My Heart , a question for the great Drummer Thomen!! I Love You which is the song that you mostly like playing live? and your favourite drummer? * Raist|in - to ask for voice please query Chrystalla - per chiedere il voice chiedere a Chrystalla - per un aiuto con le traduzioni chiedete pure a me :) Thomen: Capri: Andre could answer better, because he writes most of this parts Capri|away: ok Capri|away: but i really meant when you record it not write it *** Angra sets mode: -v AIOROS *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Odriel Odriel: how do you write your guitar lines - just by playing along or writing them down on your own, or by discussion with the other bandmembers what best fits in... do you take musical theory into account very much or rather go by what sounds best etc. ? *** Angra sets mode: -v Dark_Angel Thomen: Dark Angel: Simon Philips and I think Time stands still and Nightfall *** Damned_So sets mode: +v _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_ Magnus: I don´t care too much for theory, if I like the sound thats cool ;-) _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: Hello Marcus and Thomen. Blind guardian was my second metal band [after the Iron Maiden ;-) ] and now is my favorite. _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: 9th june will be my birthday and I'll celebrate it with your music :-) _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: I hope you will play a lot of songs from Imagination from the other side [My first Guardian Album ;-)] Magnus: And we never write down our songs, we just record the stuff _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: and now the questions *** Angra sets mode: -v Capri|away *** Damned_So sets mode: +v DeTesToRm Thomen: Cool, Doom Of THe I. _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: 1)what do you think about Virgin Steele _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: ? DeTesToRm: hail magnus and thomen: what do you think about the underground scene like black metal or brutal and what do you think about band like mayhem or burzum? don't you think they believe in music more than you, they weren't connected to money like you and they exspressed more important conceits than you in their music insted of your elfs and magicians. Magnus: I only know their old stuff but I realy like Guardians of the flame and noble Savage _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: 2)Blind guardian will return in tour in italy after GoM? Magnus: Every band that signs a record deal wnats to sell cd´s...also bands like Mayhem or Burzum... Thomen: Detestorm: Maybe!!!! Thomen: I think they are gods DeTesToRm: what's the connection between the song mirror mirror and his video? *** Angra sets mode: -v Odriel *** Damned_So sets mode: +v FernandoGalucci[GdL] _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_: Thomen: I think they are gods - VS? Magnus: It is the clip for that song, that is the connection... ;-) Thomen: They are soo gods, I even don´t know them!!! FernandoGalucci[GdL]: Hi Thomen and Marcus. My Question: What did Björn Wisker do to appear in the Thankslist of ANATO and will there be a chance of getting autographs after the Wacken or Langen Shows...couldn't come to Frankfurt, I was sick *** Angra sets mode: -v DeTesToRm Magnus: Yep, we´ll sign autographs *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Errtu Errtu: Hey THOMEN!!! why have you fled to another server? You cannot escape!! We still have to record a BG song with RAP in it !!! :PPPP Magnus: ?????? *** Angra sets mode: +v Odriel Odriel: How many hours do u practica a day/week? Do u still advance in style or technique or are you just trying to maintain your level? Thomen: Errtu: I will kill you, little bastard rapper, heheheh;.)))) *** Angra sets mode: -v Odriel Errtu: ahahahhahah * FernandoGalucci[GdL] joins ThePKH in running around naked FernandoGalucci[GdL]: thx *** Angra sets mode: -v _]Doom_of_the_Eternals[_ *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Hekka Errtu: will you come tomorrow as well? i kinda miss your colorful scripts :) Magnus: That depends, in the moment we are playing about 6-7 hours a day Hekka: What was the name of your very first complete song, and who came up with the idea for it? Magnus: oh my god, the famous scripts... Errtu: yes the script !!! you should have them too if you wanna become popular :P Magnus: lol Magnus: too much work for me *** Angra sets mode: -v FernandoGalucci[GdL] Errtu: oh 1 last thing before i leave you again *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Luthie Luthie: If Andre's housepig suddenly ate Marcus' right sock Stinky and suddenly started to scream for Rhapsody and fake swords. What would you do? Thomen: Magnus: you have to know: ERRTU is the Rapper from the #tavern channel Errtu: yeah :) Magnus: I would kill it :-) Thomen: he´s abit crazy-hehehe greetings to Errtu Magnus: yep, and he is a succer for scripts ;-) Errtu: well, i still think BG would rule more if they had more hiphop influence is all i'm saying Magnus: ok :-) Errtu: thanks :))) Luthie: but wouldn't you rather blame the screaming on the toxic waste? * Errtu waves at the other metal people !!! haha you cant complain without +v !!! :PPPPP Errtu: laters :) i'm going back to #tavern :) Errtu: see you there SOON !! :P Magnus: cool ;-) Errtu: both of you btw Magnus: lol *** Damned_So sets mode: -v Errtu Hekka: Marcus; In your opinion what is the most complex Blind Guardian song guitar concerned? *** Damned_So sets mode: +v naidrauGdnilB naidrauGdnilB: Hi! this is a question to thomen: I understood that you (all) work on the songs together and the credits go to the ones who came with the idea... well, if that's true, I wonder what's the difference between a song where you are in the credits and a song where you are not... (I mean what is the change in your part in the song)? and btw we love you here in Israel!! Magnus: good question... Magnus: maybe requiem? naidrauGdnilB: sorry for the lengh of my question Thomen.... *** Angra changes topic to 'http://www.metalitalia.com - BLIND GUARDIAN in chat questa sera ore 22! English ONLY please !!! No more queries to Chrystalla pls! - Stop alle prenotazioni! Grazie. - No private messages to BG members will be answered. Thanks. ' Hekka: Thanks Marcus :) Thomen: naidrau....: who wrote with on the song(composed) chrystalla: Good night !!!! Magnus: at least that is one of my faves to play :) chrystalla: see you soon!! Angra: bye cristalla :) chrystalla: bye! *** Angra sets mode: -vv Hekka Luthie *** chrystalla (~------@AzzurraNet-59056.tin.it) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer.) Magnus: bye *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Taranis Taranis: Hellllllooooo Thomen and Marcus!!!!! Magnus: hi Taranis: You are greattttttt!!!!! Congratulations for ANATO album (I'm listening to it right now :P) 1)Do u like Sardinia? 2)Do you think you'll come here to play sometimes? naidrauGdnilB: ? Taranis: ^_^ Magnus: 1) yep 2) don´t know Taranis: well I hope so :PP Magnus: lol, nice nick *** I_HATE_BLIND_GUARDIAN was kicked by Damned_So (.10 naidrauGdnilB: Thomen: If your name is not mentioned than Andre\Hansi wrote the drum part? naidrauGdnilB: in a song... Thomen: that´s heavy to explain, but this is not songwriting, writing the melodyparts only *** Angra sets mode: -vv naidrauGdnilB Taranis *** Damned_So sets mode: +v TestAmenTLegions TestAmenTLegions: Hi Magnus and Thomen!!!1) How many time for week do you get drunk?2)Do you like TestAmenT? hehehe:P 3)Do you like playing football and roule playing games?(G.I.R.S.A. is è great games!!!!!) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v moeffju moeffju: Yo yo moeffju: You both: I want the band as a cardboard figure, with strawberry flavour if possible. Think you can make EMP sell that? moeffju: Oh and BTW, thank you guys, you're great =) (and come to tavern) moeffju: Thomen: COLORS :-P btw Magnus: 1) I don´t get drunk too often 2) yes 3) NO *** Damned_So sets mode: +v HERMANO_TOLKIEN moeffju: Thomen, sold your DVD player yet? =) Magnus: lol moeffju: Really, Cardboard Blind Guardian would be a hit HERMANO_TOLKIEN: hi magnmetalitalia HERMANO_TOLKIEN: us, hi thomen! im brazilian guy and i think BG the best band of metal... Q: what do you think about the brazilians heavy metal bands , and do you like any? (i dont speak english, but I try anything to talk with you :p) TestAmenTLegions: ok...you are great guardians..Somewhere far beyond rulez!Thanks Magnus and Thomen Thomen: no, moeffju Thomen: but tx for the question, haha moeffju: Thomen: Then what about strawberry flavoured cardboards? :) Magnus: I like Sepultura moeffju: ALL HAIL MAKKOOKIS KAI btw :) HERMANO_TOLKIEN: and you thomem? *** Angra sets mode: -v TestAmenTLegions Magnus: lol, sorry I answered *** Damned_So sets mode: +v DreamTone DreamTone: Hello again I am a director of Circle of Turkish Bards and we are willing to be an official fan club but for the unclearity of the Circle of the Bards we are unable to act as good as we want.When will be this uncertainity end?You know we work hard..the tribute project,etc made in cooperation with other clubs... Thomen: Hermano: Sepultura were really cool at Beneath the :Remains time HERMANO_TOLKIEN: Do you like Dream Theater and Symphony X? Thomen: yes Thomen: but DT more Thomen: much more Thomen: ;-)) HERMANO_TOLKIEN: Thank you. *** Angra sets mode: -vv HERMANO_TOLKIEN moeffju Magnus: We would like to solve all the problems with the circle as soon as possible but unfortunately that is not that easy and we are very busy at the moment *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Richter Richter: Thomen why do you smoke so much even you are a drummer but I see that it doesnt effect you too much you are one of the rarest drummers in the world I think. how can you find the musical notes so fixed to the song?I mean is it smth that comes from inside or from ears? :)) or even if you dont finf them how can you play it that harmonic *** Damned_So sets mode: +v ANSI DreamTone: Thank you byee all *** Angra sets mode: -v DreamTone *** Damned_So sets mode: +v STRATOVAR STRATOVAR: ho guys Magnus: hi STRATOVAR: hy guys Thomen: Richter: tx !! It comes from both I think, can´t explain it, it only so in my mind STRATOVAR: what about your favourite drummers? Richter: Thomen and Magnus guys I have to go bye thanx for everything send my regards to Hansi and Andre byezzz ANSI: hi thomen and magnus many of your songs are inspired by Tolkien's writings, Thomen: Bye and tx Richter ANSI: but wich of you is a fantasy literature fan and from where this passion comes ? Magnus: I guess all of us like fantasy Richter: and know that I love ya all Thomen: Stratovar: Simon Philips is GOD and Scott Rockenfield was till Promised land, too STRATOVAR: good,symon is my favpourite *** Angra sets mode: -v Richter *** Damned_So sets mode: +v NotBringa STRATOVAR: because he is good for every kind of music Thomen: Then we have something in common, Stratovar!!! NotBringa: Thomen, what would you do if you had half a pregnant whale, an empty bottle of lubricant and 20 meters of rope? STRATOVAR: yeah NotBringa: And Marcus, what is wrong with Italian people? STRATOVAR: i love also mike portnoy ANSI: sometime u playing a role playing game? Magnus: ?????? lol Thomen: ????? NotBringa: ANSI: They don't.. that was answered a thousand times before :P NotBringa: ahaha NotBringa: Wow, I shut them up *** Angra sets mode: -v ANSI STRATOVAR: what is your musical background thomen? * NotBringa smiles at the guardians innocently :) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Quazarius Magnus: and you lie, andre and me play a lot rpg on our computers... ;-) *** Damned_So sets mode: +v Tom *** Angra sets mode: -v STRATOVAR Quazarius: I am a Polish fan and I wish one day you will visit us. Question: About inspirations, can yu somehow (maybe on official page) tell which songs are inspired by what books? NotBringa: which one of you plays the boss and who the exploited secretary? NotBringa: and on your computer? Don't you fall off? NotBringa: :P Thomen: Stratovar????? What??? you mean???? *** Angra sets mode: +v STRATOVAR NotBringa: he asks if you play a real instrument too :PP Angra: stratovar explain STRATOVAR: what is the inspiration af your music? Thomen: hahahaha, bringa(NOT)!! ;-)) * NotBringa has a fake moustache!! NotBringa: pheer me! Magnus: good, idea, we could do that on the homepage ;-) Tom: oh Tom: yeah Tom: my question is NotBringa: hey tom :) Tom: hey dan * Quazarius feel happy Tom: not superdan Tom: bringadan Angra: LAST QUESTIONS!!! Tom: ok Quazarius: what about coming to poland? Angra: HURRY UP :) Magnus: maybe *** Angra sets mode: -v STRATOVAR * Raist|in - time is short, be fast :) Tom: i played ANATO backwards and heard voices in chorus telling me to boil my neighbours rabit NotBringa: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Tom: what do you have to say for yourselves? NotBringa: What is the air velocity of an unladen swallow? Tom: and Thomen: Tom:LOL Tom: MAKKOOKIS KAI!!!! *** Raist|in sets mode: -v NotBringa Quazarius: rotfl :))) Magnus: they were supposed to say "wrong direction, idiot"... ;-) Quazarius: BG is the best band ever. I can say that, I'm a musician too :) Magnus: :) *** NotBringa was kicked by Thomen (you are an asshole, hehehehe;-))).) Magnus: lol Hail to Thomen Thomen: hahahaha, daniel!!! Tom: oh i have a serious question by the way Tom: sorry to dissapoint you *** Angra sets mode: -v Quazarius Tom: i cant buy ANATO in the UK Tom: at all Tom: no shops have it Tom: they all say the last album was tales from the twilight world Magnus: that is correct, but it will be released in the UK soon Tom: not even amazon uk has it Thomen: tx Raistin *** Angra sets mode: +v Sakuragi Raist|in: :) Magnus: it just was a little delayed Sakuragi: Hi Marcus and Thomen! Magnus: hi Sakuragi: Here some questions: Are you planning to write some other songs in italian ? did hansi find difficulties in singing in italian ? (I'm From Sardinia) Do you like tenores de bitti?? (sardinia chorus group) why don't you contact them for the next album?? Sakuragi: Thomen why are you named " The Omen "?? Sakuragi: ^^ Angra: LAST QUESTIONS!! Magnus: 1) no 2) of course :-) 3)i don´t know them *** Angra sets mode: -v Tom Thomen: Sakuragi: because I´m a bad OMEN for this good world, lol Magnus: lol Sakuragi: tnx eheheh See ya soon! send my regards to hansi & andre! BLiND GuArDiaN RuLeS *** Angra sets mode: +v Noldor Noldor: will you play, in the near future, a gig in Rome...the eternal city, maybe at the shadow of colosseum? Thomen: Of course , Noldor,;-)) Magnus: we´ll play more shows in italy in fall, I´m sure we´ll also play Rome Noldor: thanks! Raist|in: Noldor: Rome's major would never give the Colosseum to play a concert.... especially a METAL one :) Thomen: and later we´llplay in front of the Pope Noldor: yes Magnus: Yeah, we´ll cover "Welcome to Hell" just for the pope... lol Raist|in: Welcome to hell Noldor: at the Saint Peter Place Raist|in: LOOOOOL :) Thomen: hahahahah,lol Raist|in: ok now... ca Raist|in: ok now... can I ask something ? Thomen: yeah, cya Magnus: yep, you can try Noldor: it's difficult to play at rome Sakuragi: bye bye tnx :D *** Angra sets mode: -v Sakuragi Thomen: tx too Noldor: there aren't many place Noldor: where to play *** Angra sets mode: -v Noldor Angra: so, no more voiced Raist|in: So, are you interested in the Italian metal scene ? I don't mention Rhapsody or Labyrinth, but undeerground scene, such as Enemynside, Rosae Crucis, Necrodeath, or old bands like Death SS or Bulldozer ? Angra: now we can ask some questions :) Damned_So: wow BULLDOZER ! :) Magnus: I at least know Death SS... Magnus: lol Raist|in: by the way.. Magnus: oh, I just realised Lady CK...and she didn´t ask about my underwear ;_) Angra: a friend of mine wanted to ask you a question. he knows that shaffer is a friend of yours and would like to know how to contact him (by e-mail for example) Raist|in: I noticed a great work on guitars in ANATO, especially in post-production.. now they've really a GOOD sound... why only now all his attention and not even in the other albums ? Magnus: Sorry, I won´t give away his mailaddress, specially not in a public chat... Angra: hehe i understand :P Angra: has he got a "public" e-mail address? CentVrion: such as the one we always do in public chats and we never check for mail?? ahahahha Magnus: I don´t know, I only have one address from him but I´m sure he has some more Angra: centurion, yes exactly :P Angra: magnus tnx anyway Magnus: you´re welcome CentVrion: well guys Raist|in: so, that's all... I think Angra: one other question Angra: what do you think of Black Metal? Are there some Black Metal artists you like? If yes, which ones? Angra: the last ones :P Magnus: I listened to Venom a lot back in the 80´s when they released their first albums Thomen: no, in ther moment there doesn´t come one in my mind I really like Magnus: And I love old Mercyful Fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angra: king diamond rules hehe Raist|in: King Diamond FUCKIN' rules please :) Thomen: yep, me too, but that´s not blackmetal for me, you stupid german BG guitarist Angra: so, is it finished? CentVrion: are you usually satisfied of the productions of your cds or you think you would exchange something if you could? Magnus: So what would you call them, you dumb fucking drummer Thomen: no privates, I said, please, anymorte CentVrion: well I guess it's enough Angra: ok... THAT'S ALL FOLKS :) Damned_So: Thomen :ask me ! CentVrion: do you guys have to add something? Angra: i think they don't :P Magnus: lol CentVrion: I also think so :: Angra: :) Magnus: may the force be with you Raist|in: I think Thomen's dog is getting nervous :PpP Magnus: lol Magnus: when jester gets nervous thomen gets nervous... Damned_So: let the Guardian WEB PAGE !!! so someone can contact them !! CentVrion: well the star trek next generation episode is gonna start in about 20 minutes... Angra: so thank you very much! Raist|in: Stream Cent ? Magnus: you are welcome CentVrion: LA7 Thomen: I thank everybody here now, again, and I´ll leave to bring my dog out, ok??!! Magnus: save jester Angra: ok! CentVrion: choose a good tree for him CentVrion: ahahahah Magnus: lol Thomen: I will Magnus: see all of you on tour CentVrion: see you guys :) Raist|in: Thanks again for participation Magnus and Thomen, and greet your dog for me :) Angra: tschues! :) Magnus: lol CentVrion: Magnus.:. can you please remind all users the url of you website? Magnus: of course I can: www.blind-guardian.com CentVrion: thank you very much :) Angra: danke Angra: hehe Magnus: that was the most difficult part of the evening... ;-) CentVrion: ahahaahahh Raist|in: I think we can close this session telling something like "Bards you where, bards you are, and bards you will always be..." :D Thomen: now really bye bye, my friends Thomen: cya all anyday again or in #tavern Magnus: yep, c ya Raist|in: for sure :) bye guys :) Thomen: bye and greetings from my dog-he thanks you all, lol Angra: bye thomen! Raist|in: loool *** Thomen (~pipe@AzzurraNet-40388.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Sorry, had to leave! See you later!! Bye.) |
Indietro |
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